Apr 04, 2005 19:42
so my hall is playing this game with my room's dry erase board. we start off with an original sentence, completely random, and then strategically switch around letters to make something funny. my suite decided to start documenting it because it is so funny. so here it goes. the first sentence was...
Julie likes women.
Julie likes men.
Julie likes me .
Then carolyn decided that it wasnt always about julie, so...
Alli has a sock in her pocket.
Alli has a jock in her locker.
Alli has a jockey in her locker.
Alli has a cock.
Alli has aids from her cockatiel.
Julie has aids from her cockatiel.
Julie has cooties.
Julie has cool ties.
Julie harbors cool ties.
Julie always hears cold lies.
Julie always tells cold lies.
Julie always tells old guys that she wants them.
Julie always tells old guys that she wants ham.
Alli always licks old guys darts.
Alli always licks expensive art.
Alli always licks warts.
Alli and Katie and Emilio Estevez always fart.
Alli has ways with Katie and Emilio Estevez.
Alli has ways with Steve from full house.
Alli has ways with Steve from Blue's Clues.
Aunt May has ways with eve.
to be continued...
also, something else i want to put in here for a laugh, and its crowding my profile, so here it is.
Today we salute you, Mr. Constant Collar Putter Upper. You, bedecked in popped collar, teach us that we no longer have to live with a cold back of the neck. Sure, your Pink alligator polo may look feminine to some, but not to the 17 other frat guys wearing the same thing. Where others may see thoughtless fashion conformity, you preach a higher gospel. You preach a world where its ok for a man to go tanning. You ask why can't we wear make-up or use shampoo with lavender essecence? So crack open an ice-cold Bud Light, Mr. Abercrombie (or is it Fitch?), because we all know when we really need a piece of gum, you might have one in your man purse.