The last morning of the last day of this house and being single.

Jul 23, 2004 14:55

Severus is determined to make it through the day in a good mood.

The news that they can have their wands is a good start. There are all sorts of preparations he needs to make, to ensure that he looks his best for Minerva. A nice long bath, for instance. And for once he can afford to be pleasantly scented and not worry about interfering with the potions. A close shave with a charm - those damned muggle implements don't do as good a job. Clean teeth and fresh breath. Maybe even trim his hair a little.

The he needs to see to his robes, to make sure they are neat and tidy. Doubtless Minerva will have arranged Wedding Robes for him, but he still wants to leave the house in all his billowing glory.

A solid breakfast, and then a peaceful day. He casts a longing look at the Hot Tub - maybe he can fit in a last visit to make sure that his back will hold up for all the strenuous activity he is planning for later that day.

He is looking forward to being a married man, very much.
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