
Jul 23, 2004 17:50

Severus is old-fashioned, and there are rules about how you prepare for your wedding.

The bath is hot and sweetly scented - not just because it is pleasant, but because it's supposed to cleanse you of all your impurities. (Which is a hard task for a bath full of herbs; though he suspects Minerva wouldn't be interested in a pure Severus anyway).

He's supposed to consider the duties of marriage and determine whether he's ready for them, but he can't help but be distracted by the pleasures of marriage instead.

He expects there will be a lot of adjustment for the pair of them, maybe even the odd argument, but he's bloody certain he wants to marry her.

He hopes Lucius doesn't turn up at the wedding, like some death's head grinning at him. There will be time enough to deal with that aggravation later - he'd rather like to make it through the Honeymoon without having to poison someone. And it's really bad luck to poison a guest.

Mind you, if the chance occurred he'd bloody take it, because, whilst poisoning a guest was bad luck, letting Lucius live would be even worse luck in the long run.

He wonders if Draco realises that it might come to that..............

Sod it, this is a day for being happy and being happy is what he shall do.

Minerva. Minerva. Mrs Snape.

He ponders on the delights of Mrs Snape for the required thirty minutes and then extracts himself from the bath.

He shaves with a charm that should keep hair growth at bay for 24 hours - there's nothing worse than a bristly chin when going for olympian shagging feats. The hair is nice and shiny and clean. The teeth are practically glinting, they are so white.

The robes are charmed to within an inch of their life.

He's ready to go........
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