Only two days to go

Jul 22, 2004 14:35

For all Draco's sneering at the Snape nose, it is Draco who snores like the Hogwarts Expresss. Juding from the occasional Pansy, Pansy that come from beneath the covers he's dreaming as well.

Snoring and talking in his sleep; he almost feels sorry for Pansy. He hopes she has some really irritating habits she can use to get her own back on him, like picking her teeth, or talking at the breakfast table, or cuttingher toenails with a slicing hex in the middle of the bedroom.

It's the little things that go to make up a marriage.

In three days time he expects to be a married man himself. If Minerva isn't waiting for him with a celebrant - and he expects that she will be - he will be dragging her off to get married himself.

First there is the Stag Day to get through - and best of all, Albus isn't here to spoil it.

Severus washes and dresses quickly. Let's get this party started.
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