Waky waky, rise and shine

Jul 20, 2004 17:13

Severus is vaguely aware of Draco getting up - it's a good job that his safety doesn't rely on stealth, as he sounds like a herd of elephants in hob-nailed boots - but allows the lad to clear the room before stirring.

He isn't in the mood to talk to anyone. He wants Coffee first.

He dresses quickly, and heads into the kitchen to secure his favourite beverage. Once several gulps have hit home he contemplates dealing with chickens. He feels quite amiable towards the chickens, since Abaddon has said that they like Minerva and recognise him as her rooster. They have good taste those chickens.

They scatter satisfyingly at his aproach, and it is the work of minutes to abstract the eggs and put them in the bowl he'd thoughtfully provided for the purpose.

Looking round to make sure that no one is looking he begins talking to the chickens - well they are more sensible that most of his house mates - telling them all about how Minerva and he are engaged and will be getting married very soon.

It's actually quite peaceful out in the garden, but his rumbling stomach means he has to head back in for breakfast.

No hot sausages today, just scrambled eggs.
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