Life's a bugger

Jul 19, 2004 13:13

Severus reflects on how badly he has been punished for his moment of weakness in allowing Others to think they could occupy his room.

He will no long be lying in Solitary State, but is now trapped with a demon - who isn't a bad sort at all - and a pouting blond. (It's amazing how much difference an 'e' makes there.) Bloody hell that lad can sulk; he could sulk for England. Sod it, he could sulk for the United Kingdom's Allcomers Sulking team. If Fudge continues down the line of integration with Europe that he has outlined, then the lad could sulk for the European team.

And he's bloody certain he doesn't get that from his father, oh no. Severus grumbles, Severus mardies, Severus throws tantrums: he's prepared to admit to all of that. Severus does even, on occasion, but strictly when circumstances warrant it, and only then, whine a bit.

Severus does not pout.

To be fair, Lucius doesn't pout either. He's too busy sneering, looking aloof, and looking at his hair in the mirror.

Must get it from his mother then.

Must he sulk so noisily?
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