Feb 02, 2006 22:43
-transfer between grad programs is almost impossible
-the guy who left was the one who funded the lab (via grants)
soooo there will be nobody in my field here, the one guy I might be able to talk to is on sabbatical, and it's going to be a major pain in the ass to switch to a different program. But if there's nobody in my field AND the lab is unfunded I'm not sure it's wise to stick around. I suppose I'll write to guys at UCLA, Caltech, and UVA just in case they're willing to look into my case and take me on board, but I doubt it. Probably my best bet is
a) go through the hoops of trying to get into UCSD, but even that's not a sure thing, ESPECIALLY in regards to money
b) go to UT Dallas (not even Austin like I thought it was) and enter a program ranked far below the one I'm in now, but at least I know they have what I want and I know the professor in charge of my field, and since it's lower ranked I should be able to get some money from them
I should have gone to UCLA =/