2014 in Review

Dec 31, 2014 10:58

I started the year off with a convention and the announcement of the divorce. The rest of the month was trying to find things to do that kept me busy.

I got my spinning wheel! Things with Lynn were quickly going downhill and the car began acting up. I was making plans to attend several other conventions, despite being warned away from certain convention people by the owner of the Jan convention. Lynn and attended OwlCon and I had an enjoyable time checking out games.

I attended 5 conventions in March. I reconnected with Ted, which was very happy making. I thought I met a guy but two months later I realized that he wasn't at interested in me as he'd indicated. His loss though. I also lost my job at CAPFIVE ...  and was brought back 2 days later as a contract employee.

I attended my first convention outside of Texas and met the owners of MechaCon. Things continued to go downhill at home as I made convention connections. I kept managing to find ways to be out of town if I was going to be home alone with Lynn. Depression was beginning to be very difficult to fight.

I spent a weekend with the guy I thought was interested, and figured out that even though he had suggested a super fast relationship and I'd cautioned slowing down ... he thought we were moving too fast. I also attended Comicpalooza and had a lot of fun running around with friends. The car issues continued.

The depression hit an all time low as things with Lynn escalated far past what I ever thought possible. I ran off to Austin for another weekend to escape. I sunk deeper into depression and slowly began withdrawing from friends.

This guy that I'd noticed back in February or March started talking to me. I'd originally dismissed anything with him due to him having a girlfriend. They'd broken up though and he was noticing me too. We had a date and ... well, not a spark, more like an explosion. We kept it a secret until we were sure but shortly Jon and I were announcing that we were dating, exclusively. I was also happy to reconnect with my dear friend Doug.

The car had continued to overheat and misbehave. It was off to the mechanic one more time before my trip to New Orleans to work MechaCon. Lynn chewed me out for praising him and, between that and the emotional manipulation, I confessed to Jon that I didn't feel safe returning to the apartment. So when I came back from MechaCon, at his suggestion, I moved in with Jon. He joined me for The Houston Con and made the running of a con so much smoother. My car had a final meltdown and expressed this as such by basically blowing up while Jon was trying to get it to the mechanic. Apparently somebody had been getting the mechanic to just clear the codes, not actually fix the overheating.

Jon and were learning how to build this relationship, both working to move past relationships in the past. We began juggling the reality of only having one car and managing both of us getting to work. It was mostly smooth though, the difference working with somebody who will sit down and talk things through. We also attended our first camping event for our foam fighting group.

Jon and I celebrated 3 months. My posting slowed down since there was less strife that I needed to work through and home life was happy. We also attended the opening weekend of the ren faire.

My birthday and another trip to the ren faire! I was nervous about Thanksgiving but that turned out quite nice. Mostly life with Jon has turned to just being happy being together.

I struggled a bit to feel festive but it finally showed up, on Christmas day. Jon and I hosted a day battle for our group and decided, based on the behaviour of our fellow unit mates to leave the unit we were with. We started our own unit within the same realm. The divorce papers were finally filed, though it won't be official until the new year.

Overall, the year started off with a lot of unhappiness and sorrow. But my friends were there for me and after the darkness was the bleakest it got better. I made a lot of decisions about who I am, who I want to me, and how I want to get there. I found Jon, or he found me. The last half of the year have been filled with Love and happiness. Nox and I are both much more relaxed and happy. I'm taking the happy with me into the new year.

divorce, love, apis / lynn, traveling, depression, year in review, happiness, relationships, jon, car

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