I really hadn't thought I'd made much progress on the knitting this week until I took the picture and compared it to last week. I'm really thrilled with how it's progressing. Though I do wish I could get more done on the weekends. I'm firmly in the 3rd color out of 6 and on the 6th chart out of 9. And since I'm looking at numbers, I'm on row 166 out of 259 (including bind off).
I actually was able to sit down and work on my dress! I sewed the center front panel to the side fronts. I'm ecstatic over the seams because they're so pretty. It's not an easy fabric to work with as it has quite a bit of stretch and this is my first time using zig zag stitches. Plus the fabric wants to catch and wrinkle as I try to lay it out to cut. Luckily my hubby is wonderful and helps me cut pieces out. I folded one side over so you can see the pretty seam.
There's a post brewing about uncontrolled rebellion vs thoughtful rebellion. But in terms of the story I've been poking at, not a lot. Do I just get them to the mountain already or show a bit more of their travels and struggles? Decisions are hard.
Space City Con:
ZOMG ... I can't believe it's so close! I've helped a bit with the panel schedule. We have a ton of volunteers and game masters signing up. I need to get the schedule for volunteers and registration figured out. I keep saying I'll sleep after it's all done. I don't know if I'll sleep or pass out from exhaustion. :glee:
Carrie by Stephen King. I wanted a quick read and something that I knew I'd love was a reread of one of my favorites. It's good to be back in his world. After I finish this I'll get right on that reading I need to do for con ... I think.