
Aug 12, 2013 14:05

So, I'm not allowed to sand the floor. so slendy is doing it. I am convinced in no sort of arrogant way (i know how to use a plane and have been practically studying sanding floors for the past few weeks) that I can do it better. but ca sera or whatever. It was nice to have his help on the walls... but he was sick at the time and shouldnt have been doing anything but resting. there are a few hugely drippy bits at the top he did that i didnt catch in time. i still dont think he should be doing alla this work, but if its a case of slendy messes up, can apologize is no problem, or i mess up, is problem. then i have no choice.
room will be livable inable soon.

slendy has also put through the first month of rent for me. because he is an idiot and wanted to get it to ourfriendlandlord as quickly as possible as he is having troubles. so i ask what way he wants to be paid back. transfer, cash, cheque? in installments he says. *facepalm* so... im going to get the details and INSTALL the entire chunk in one go. because fuck that shit, mr golddiggas dream. maybes if you get really poor you will learn to keep a better grip on your cash. i dont know. its kinda worrying. you are ripe fruit for people to take advantage of.
i also probably dont get to see pacific rim, because of faff. im considering just buggering off alone to see things from now on.

weekend after next is bladelands

  1. Where is your homeland? Essen
  2. What are its people like? Germans
  3. Are you aware of its history? Erm, not so much. There were some problems but... uhh
  4. Are you patriotic or a social outcast? Neither. I liked my home land but I'm not there now.
  5. What are your opinion of home? Rains allot, has good beer.
  6. Where is your home town? Small town in the woods in the middle of nowhere.
  7. What is your home town's name? Uhh... small town
  8. What was the area like and how did it affect you? the area was foresty. very. so it wasnt great to go wandering outside of town. mother was an erbalist, dad a town guard. caravans passing through always needed protection in the forests.
  9. Did you witness any historical events? nope
  10. If so, how did that event impact you? na
  11. Are your real motivations different from what you tell others? nope. plain and simple girl.
    • If so, how might such secrets be revealed? -
    • How far would you go to keep such secrets from being revealed? -
    • What would you do if the truth became known? -
    • What do you fear would occur if the truth became known? -
  12. Are you particularly graced (or cursed) with particular traits or skills? hitting things ard
    • If so, were these a result of your past? yeah. i couldnt do the herbalism like mum so i did the hitting like dad
    • How have these affected your life so far? its my career choice, its also how i became and elektran knight and came to this land.
    • Did you affect you in your chosen profession? whut
  13. Were there any traumatic experiences in your early years (death of a family member, abandonment, orphaned at an early age, etc.)? not really. a sister poisoned herself with a botched potion, mom arrived just in time with an antidote
  14. Briefly describe a defining moment in your childhood and how it influenced your life? see above. i cant cook, im not going to poison myself.
  15. What was childhood like for you? crowded
  16. Was it calm and peaceful or turbulent and traumatic? more or less average and calm
  17. Did you have any childhood friends? sure
    • If so, who and where are they now? unknown
    • Are you still close to them or have you grown apart? very far
  18. What stupid things did you do when you were younger? what stupid things didnt i do
  19. Which toys from your childhood have you kept? none
  20. Do you have any deep, dark secrets in the past that may come back to haunt you? nope
  21. What conflicts might arise from your past? i dislike bandits. i dislike bandits allot.
  22. Are you who you claim to be? yup
  23. Do you have any sort of criminal record? probably from brawling in a tavern, probably punched someone upper class.
  24. How do you view the heroes/legends of your country? watch out, im right behind.
  1. Who were your parents? mr and missus koenig
  2. Were you raised by them? yes, and several siblings
  3. If not, then why didn't they and who did raise you? -
  4. What is your father's full name? uhh
  5. What is your mother's full name? uhh
  6. What did your parents and/or foster parents do for a living? guard and herbalist
  7. What was their standing in the community? fairly good. they could afford to support a large family.
  8. Did your family stay in one area or move around a lot? stayed put
  9. How did you get along with your parents? fine. they were loverly.
  10. How would your parents describe you?
    • Answer this in the voice of your mother, then in your father's? Heske is the loudest, and the worst cook, she takes care of the boys when they get into trouble. Heske a good girl, gives as good as she gets.
  11. Do you have any siblings? lots
  12. If so how many and what were their names? uhm, burkhart is the only relevant one.
  13. What was your birth position in the family (i.e.last born, only child, etc.)? somewhere middling
  14. How did you get along with each of your siblings? allright. allways fought with the youngest and oldest.
  15. What was your family life like? calm living, chaotic household
  16. List all current knowledge of family locations, spouses, children, birth dates, schooling and any important incidents that only you and they might remember? nope
  17. Are any or all of your family still alive? i dont know probably
    • If so, where are they now?
    • Do you stay in touch with them or have you become estranged?
  18. Draw out your family tree, including living and dead relatives? nope
  19. Do you love or hate one member of the family in particular? nope
  20. Is any member of the family special to you in any way (perhaps, as a confidant, mentor, or arch-rival)? Elder sister argued with mom about me being a guard, mom didnt want to see me get hurt, she said that the guys are also going to get hurt, and at least heske has the good sense to avoid getting hit.
  21. Are there any black (or white) sheep in the family (including you)? nope
    • If so, who are they and how did they "gain" the position?
    • If this person is not you, then how do you feel about them?
  22. Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? nope
    • If so, what did this person do to become famous or infamous?
    • What do people assume about you once your ancestry is revealed?
    • Do you try to live up to the reputation of their ancestor, try to live it down, or ignore it?
  23. Have you begun your own family? nope. and no thanks.
    • If not, do you ever want to have a family of your own someday? nope
    • If so, with who or what type of person?
  24. What type of person would be your ideal mate? meh. not a very lifelong partner person
    • What would you be willing to do to protect such a person? same amount as my friends
    • Is there anything you wouldn't do to protect such a person and if so what? lots
    • Would anything change your mind on this issue and if so, what? dunno
  1. What valuable or important contacts do you have? someone fairly high up in the church. merc company
    • How did you come to know them? work
  2. Which person(s) or group(s) are you most loyal to? elektra. church. fief. mercs.
  3. List any past serious relationships that you have had, and give a brief overview of the relationship? nope
  4. How do you think others generally perceive you? confident, passionate, short tempered.
  5. If someone crossed your path, what would you do? like in a bad way.... get them to acknowledge that, possibly get annoyed
  6. Who is your most trusted ally? uhm
  7. Who do you trust, in general? in the faiths. everyone else has their own agendas
  8. Who do you despise and why? bandits, followers of the outside
  9. Name seven things you hate in others? spinelessness, simpering, begging, shitting in the well, overt boasting, narcissim.
  10. Is your image consistent? pretty much.
  11. Do people see you in similar ways? people see me consistently.
  12. Do you deliberately present yourself differently in different situations, and how? im more polite when talking to higher members of the church.
  13. What would you die for? its work.
  14. For whom would you go to extremes? its work
  15. Who do you turn to when you're in trouble? fight it
  16. What is the worst thing someone has done to you? killed some kids i was protecting
  17. What are your general reaction to an attractive member of the opposite sex who lets you know they are available? yeah, sure, after business.
  18. How do you get along with others in the same field and/or work environment? if there are personality conflicts they resolve themselves.
  19. How can you be blackmailed, beaten, and tricked (by PCs or NPCs)? she isnt hugely bright, so any complicated scheme will work, orders from the church will work, she doesnt have anything to be blackmailed on
  20. Have you lost any loves?
    • How did you handle the situation (short & long term)? nope
  21. Who would miss you, should you go missing? people expect me to. the church and the elektran father
  22. Who might protect you? elektra, team mates.
  23. Who might be convinced to sell you out? anyone
  24. How close are you to your friends? new here
  25. What do they know about you? new here
  26. What do they not know about you? new here
  27. What do you know and not know about them? new here
  28. Do you live with anyone (housemates, roommates, relatives, friends, near-strangers, family friend, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover)? nope.
  29. Are you a member of any special interest groups? elektra....
    • What is your level of involvement? i kill things in her name, and help her causes, promote her faith.
  30. What is your current status with local law-enforcement? cocky.
  31. Do you have a record of cooperation or non-cooperation with authorities? both. i can follow orders as long as i think they are just. i am trained to be respectfull from the church and the guard walls, and to be a dick from the mercs.
  32. Do you have a file with local, national or internation law enforcement? a what...
  1. Do you have any heroes or idols, either contemporary or from legend? yeah, i probably really enjoyed the stories of knights being brave and vanquishing dragons
    • If so, have you ever met them? nope
    • Did you ever become disillusioned with former heroes or idols? dragons dont exist!
    • If so, why and what were the circumstances? -
  2. For adventuring / risk-taking personas:
    • When did you decide to become an adventurer? im not, im in service... but when it was explained how elektra saved my life
    • Why have you chosen to risk your life as a career? its what im good at, got no other skils
    • What do you expect to get out of being an adventurer (satisfaction, glory, money, redemption, etc.)? money, experience, helping people know elektra
    • What, if anything, would make you stop adventuring (death of a loved one, marriage, mutilation, money, position, old age, etc.)? loss of limbs
  3. Do you have any dreams or ambitions? day to day living
    • If not, why?
  4. What are your short term goals (what would you like to be doing within a year)? hitting things
  5. What are your long term goals (what would you like to be doing twenty years from now)? being better at hitting things
  6. If these goals seem at odds with each other or with your dreams, how do you reconcile the differences? -
  7. How do you seek to fulfill these dreams, goals, & ambitions? hitting things
  8. Do you have any great rational or irrational fears or phobias? fear of the nameless stopping my sould from going to rhiannos
  9. If so, what are the origins of or reasons behind them? have you ever seen an outsider
    • What, if anything, would it take for you to be able to overcome this? i dont think a person does
    • How do you react when this fear manifests itself? hit it hard!
    • Are you willing to discuss, or even admit to, the situation? -
  10. What are your attitudes regarding material wealth? fabulous
    • Are you miserly with your share of the wealth, or do you spend it freely? spend it!
    • Are you greedy or generous? spend it on drink, share the drunkenness!
    • Do you see wealth as a mark of success, or just as a means to an end? its nice to have
  11. How do you generally treat others? allright
  12. Do you trust easily (perhaps too easily) or not? sure
  13. Are you introverted (shy and withdrawn) or extroverted (outgoing)? extroverted
  14. Are you a humble soul or blusteringly proud? blusteringly
  15. Do you act differently than you feel (concealing your true thoughts)? nope. feelings translate to actions
  16. What habits would you find most annoying in friends? meh
  17. Is there any race, creed, alignment, religion, class, profession, political viewpoint, or the like against which you is strongly prejudiced, and why? outsiders, bandits and thieves.
  18. How do others typically react to you? this person is loud, but genuine. they know where they stand
  19. Why, in your opinion, do they act that way? because its true
  20. What are your most annoying habits? not knowing when to shut up
  21. What is your favourite food? What is your favourite drink? ribs. beer
  22. What is your favourite treat (desert)? cakes
  23. Do you favour a particular cuisine? uhhh
  24. Do you savor the tastes when eating or "wolf down" your food? ahhhhhhhoooooooooooooo!
  25. Do you like food mild or heavily spiced? spiced :D
  26. Are there any specific foodstuffs that you find disgusting or refuse to eat? worms
  27. Are you allergic to any food? nope
  28. What are your favourite colour(s)? red.
  29. Is there any colour that you dislike? pink.
  30. Do you have a favourite (or hated) song, type of music, or instrument? i like folk songs round fires.
  31. What is your favourite bard song? -
  32. If you have a favourite scent, what is it? cooking herbs reminds me of home.
  33. What is your favourite type of animal? hawk
  34. Why do you have an affinity for that creature? not really
  35. Do you have an animal totem or affinity, and if so for what? -
  36. Is there a certain type of animal that you hate or fear? nope
  37. Are you allergic to any kinds of animals? nope
  38. Do you have any allergies? -
  39. Is there anything that enrages you? picking on those who are too old/young to defend themselves
  40. Is there anything which embarrasses you? probably not
  41. How do you react to being teased about it? -
  42. Do you enjoy "roughing it", or do you prefer your creature comforts? comforts are nice but not nessicary
  43. Do you believe in god(s) or not? yus
  44. Do you have a patron Deity? yus
  45. Are you devout or impious? devout
  46. Do you actively worship and proselytize or do you simply pay lip service? actively
  47. What lengths would you go to defend your faith? the end of my sword
  48. Was your faith influenced or molded by anyone special? life in general
  49. Do you belong to the orthodox church, or a fringe element thereof (and is the group accepted, frowned upon, or considered heretics)? yus
  50. How has this impacted your faith and life? is life job
  51. Is your church an accepted religion where you grew up or did it have to conduct its services in secret? accepted
  52. How did this affect your faith and life? Have you ever been persecuted for your faith? If so, when and How did you handle it? nope
  53. Can you kill? easily
    • When did you decide (or learn) that you could? when i couldnt cook, and realised that if i screw up herbalism id be killing people by mistake. id rather do it on purpose.
    • What happened and how did you handle it? first time... some theif tried to knife the gate guards, i was moving through and not on duty, but i took him in the back before he could plunge his knife in.
  54. When do you consider it okay to kill (under what circumstances)? its ok to kill people who are in combat or war.
  55. When do you consider it wrong to kill (under what circumstances)? the person is a non combatant and has done nothing wrong.
  56. What would you do if someone else attempted to (or successfully did) kill under the wrong circumstances, what would be your reaction? depends.
    • What if it were your enemy? id want to kill them back.
    • What if it were your friend? id hit them. and wouldnt know what to do
    • What if it were an innocent? an innocent kills someone, they need to be taken to the authorities
    • What if the opponent were not in control of their own actions (i.e.-under duress, charmed, dominated, possessed, etc.)? not their fault
  57. What would you do if someone shot at (attacked) you? attack them back
  58. What would you do if something were stolen from you? find who it was and beat them up, maybes take a coin or two for my troubles.
What would you do if you were badly insulted publicly? storm off in a huff, or admit it.
  1. What would you do if a good friend or relative were killed by means other than natural death? revenge!
  2. What is the one task you would absolutely refuse to do? kill innocent children
  3. What do you consider to be the worst crime someone could commit and why?
  4. How do you feel about government (rulers) in general? they think they are better than everyone else, but they dont have the problems of common people so they can focus on national bullshit instead
    • Why do you feel that way? because they dont.
  5. Do you support the current government of your homeland? no one likes the lord protector
    • If so, how far are you willing to go to defend the government? not the government, that can change all it wants, the people of the land
    • If not, do you actively oppose it? i dont care
  6. Do you belong to an anti-government organization? nope
    • If so, describe the group and its aims.
  7. What form of government do you believe is the best (democracy, monarchy, anarchy, aristocratic rule, oligarchy, matriarchy) and why? a leader that proves his salt and a loyal troupe to follow him
  8. Have you ever been persecuted for your political stance? nope
    • If so, describe the occurrence and how it affected you?
  9. Are you a member of any non-religious group, cause, order, or organization? i was a merc for the grinning dogs.
    • If so describe it, its goals, and membership? to kill other fighter people for money
    • How loyal are you to this group and why? pretty loyal, if they turned up again id aid them to the limits of my duties, but im no longer a part of them.
    • How did you become a member? they patched me up.
    • If you are a former member, did you leave voluntarily or involuntarily and why? elektra
    • Was it under good (amicable) conditions or bad? good. they teased, but they teared.
    • Are you being sought or hunted by the organization? nope
    • If so, by whom and with what intent (to murder you, to force your return through blackmail or coercion, to spy on you and make sure they do not reveal any of the groups secrets)? -
  10. Do you have any unusual habits or dominant personality traits that are evident to others? i pray at night i guess.
    • If so, describe them and how you acquired them, as well as when they might be more noticeable and what causes them?
    • How do you react if made fun of for any of these things?
  11. Do you have any unusual or nervous mannerisms, such as when talking, thinking, afraid, under stress, or when embarrassed? under stress my hand will go to belt loop or weapon, same with afraid.
    • If so, are there any reasons behind them from your past? duh
  12. Do you have an unusual gait or accent? i cant hold an accent but a little german
    • If so, where did you acquire them? germany
    • Are there any circumstances where they become more (or less) evident? swearing
    • How do you feel and react if made fun of for any of these things? shrug it off
  13. What is your favourite colour? RED!
  14. What place would you most like to visit? ive been places, holidaying is not for me
  15. What annoys you the most? -
  16. What (if any) are your favourite forms of art? singing
  17. What is your most treasured possession? wallnut purse/locket
  18. What things could you not live without? mace
  19. Do you have a good luck charm? wallnut
  20. If your life were to end in 24 hours, what 5 things would you do in those remaining hours? kill the thing thats ending my life, make sure my responsibilities are fulfilled, make sure people are safe and the enemy is vanquished.
  21. Do you have a "Black-and-White" view of reality or can you see shades of grey? i need to hit it or i dont need to hit it
  22. Do you prefer to tear down or build up? tear down
  23. Are you deliberate or spontaneous? uhh
  24. Do you prefer the town or the country? either
  25. If made to decide, would you rather be deaf or blind? Why? both would end my career. deaf.
  26. How do you feel about magic, myth, and the supernatural? it keeps hitting me!
  27. Do you remember your dreams? nah
    • Describe a typical dream you might have.
    • Describe your worst nightmares.
  1. What was (or is) your primary profession? night of elektra, professional noggin basher
  2. Where and how were you educated? uhm, what. i was taught by priests in the papacy for a little while
  3. Who trained you? father Peter
    • What was your relationship with your teacher(s)/mentor(s)? they changed my way of thinking and challenged me not on the battlefield, mostly i used to just ignore intellectuals.
    • How did you happen across this teacher or mentor? the merc company came to a place where they were hired to do battle. the battle had happened early and already been won by another merc team hired blah blah, father peter was praying over the bodies
    • Was your mentor kind, stern, cruel, indifferent? patient, strict.
  4. Is this person or institution still in existence? probably.
  5. Were you forced into your profession by parents or peers? nope.
  6. Did circumstances dictate your choice of profession? yeah, i could be a very bad apothecarist, a skullery maid who gets beaten allot, or i could beat people allot.
  7. Were you a prize student or did you just barely pass? hehe, barely.
  8. Look at your skills. How did you acquire them (especially the unusual ones)? training, observation
  9. Have you ever done anything else for a living?  -
  10. How do you function in combat (maneuvers, weaknesses)? charge in shouting
  11. How would you best be defeated? whit
  12. Have you ever received any awards or honours? nope
  13. What have you done that was considered "outstanding" in your occupation by others in your field? just like in real life, ive never done anything outstanding.
  14. What are your long-term goals in work? proove myself
  15. Describe any traumatic experiences in your present occupation that has affected you deeply in some way? it will. when i see the outsiders, give me a case of the willies.
  16. How do your relatives and friends view your present occupation? ive gone up in the world but im no more refined.
  17. Is there anything that you don't currently know how to do that you wish you could? first aid
    • Do you admire others who can do such things? yeah, they are usefull
    • Are you sullen and morose about it? nope.they wouldnt heal me if i was
  1. Do you have a daily routine? sorta
    • If so, what is it? depends if there is battle or not. ... usually, she would get up, pray, check armour and equipment, repair them, get dressed, wash face, walk down to the fire pit and make some breakfast, chat a bit, retire to do some weapons stances. then relax untill lunch. eat. go for a walk. chat. drink heavily. chat. evening prayer. pass out.   iif battle then interrupt this and at any point after battle stop and give thanks to elektra, praying over armour and weapons with insence.
    • How do you feel and react when this routine is interrupted for some reason? im fine with it. routine means nothing is happening.
    • What does your morning routine consist of? you just asked.
    • What does your evening routine consist of?
    • Do you follow these routines during 'down' time, or even when out in the world? mhm. i may take a day to go and do something but the morning and evening are the same.
  2. What are your hobbies when you are not out in the world? gambling... uhh whittling... uhhhhhhhh drinking. shes a simple girl.
  3. What is your idea of a good evening's entertainment? a troupe
  4. What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself? i dont have insomnia... walk around in the dark
  5. What do you do for relaxation? lay back with eyes closed
  6. Do you enjoy reading? If so, what do you read? im not sure i can read. mom would have taught me for potions maybes
    • Scientific textbooks, historical novels, myths and legends, maps, cookbooks, romances, news magazines, science fiction, fantasy, horror, the newspaper, short stories?
  7. What music do you like? folk songs
    • Do you have a favourite artist, band or bard? -
    • Will you listen to or sing the same songs over and over, or does it drive you nuts when people do that?
  8. What things do you do for enjoyment? -
  9. What interests do you have? -
  10. How do you normally dress, when not in your adventuring gear? long redish tunic, trousers or skirt
  11. Do you like to dress up or down to relax? down duh
  12. Do you have a look or style? general commoner
    • If so, describe it.
  13. What do you normally wear in bed at home? -
  14. What do you normally wear in bed while out in the world? -
  15. Do you wear any identifiable jewelry? elektra pendant
  16. Where do you normally put the tools of your trade or other valuables when you are sleeping? clothing is rolled up as pillow, mace is at hand
  17. What pastime (that you participate in regularly) gives you the most enjoyment? -
  18. What pastime (that you participate in regularly) gives you the least enjoyment? -
  19. Do you read the newspaper? -
    • If so, which sections and how often?
  20. What are your hangout places? -
  21. Do you go to a bar after work? i would sure
  22. Do you play pool? other games
  23. Do you go dancing? lol
    • Who goes with you?
  24. How do you exercise? work
  25. Where do you live? on the road
  26. Do you rent or own? neither
  27. Can you find what you're looking for when you need it? allmost allways unless someone has borrowed it
  28. What colour are your sheets? Satin or cotton? Patterned with flowers, or covered with pictures of toy robots? just a blanket
  29. What sorts of food do you eat? i like meat and veg and hearty things
  30. Do you cook your own dinners? not if i can avoid it
  31. Are you a good cook, a gourmet, or a terrible cook? terrrrrible
  32. Do you eat out? -
  33. Are you on a diet? lol no.
  1. How do you get around locally? walking usually. on a rare occasion we have horses, horses are good. allmost never carriage
  2. Do you get seasick, airsick, motion sick (auto or animal)? seasick :S
  3. Are there any modes of travel that either thrill or terrify you? i dont like boats
    • What are they?
    • If terrifying, what would it take to get you onto such a nightmarish conveyance? necessity
    • If thrilling, how far out of your way would you go to travel this way?
  4. Do you like riding animals? yeah, they are convinient and i like to be around them, they are much less complicated and hard to offend than humans
  5. What sorts of general belongings or equipment do you take when traveling? stuffs
  6. Where do you vacation, and how often? what is
  7. Do you have any pets? nope but id like a dog
    • If so, do you take them with you?
    • What do you do with them when you are out in the world?
  8. Do you keep a calendar or address book? nope
    • Where do you keep it?
    • Could others find it to track you down in your travels?
    • Would it reveal things about you better left hidden?
  9. Did you leave a Will? lol what would it be filled with
    • What does it say? to whoever finds my corpse, loot it respectfully.
    • If you were to disappear in your travels, could it be found?
wordy stuff and sayings:

the liar should have a better memory.
One should learn from ones enemies.
I am unemcumbered by such loft thoughts.
Teamwork is important, it gives the enemy other people to stab.
A sucking chest wound is the gods way of telling you to slow down.
what do you think? may i be brutally frank?
i beg pardon...
its spoken true
not a jot or tittle
a fool and his money are soon parted
a fish rots from the head down (organisation fails at leadership)
a tinkers damn
accidently onpurpose
a golden key opens any door
barking dogs seldom bite
better light a candle than curse the darkness
devil take the hindmost
half a loaf is better than none
make hay whilst the sun shines
There's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip
fine words butter no parsnips
a plague on both your houses
god sinks our boat but he does not make us drown
much knowledge makes much headaches
When all men say you are an ass it is time to bray.
He who serves God has a good master.
he who wants honey must not shy from the bees
Warmth brings life, coldness death.

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