In my latest attempt to efficiently keep track of good stuff I've read, I've just started up a Delicious account. (At, because "shadowscast" was already taken, can you believe it?!) Right now all I've got marked are three Harry/Draco post-series fics, because that's what I was reading over the weekend.
I've also done a little poking around at Delicious, and it seems pretty neat. For instance, I can see who else has bookmarked the same fics I've bookmarked, and then see what other fics those same people have bookmarked with similar tags. Nifty! This seems like a promising way to find good fics. (Or at least it will be the next time I have time to read again after today, which is looking like, um, Christmas. Oh well!)
But right away I saw a dilemma -- when you use the site this way, you see the summaries that everyone else has written for their bookmarks. Such as, for instance, details about the plots of stories.
If I write my bookmark summaries with an intended audience of me, I'm liable to include all sorts of plot spoilers for the stories (since I'm trying to give myself the ability to remember which story was which if I want to reread them years from now). On the other hand, if I keep my summaries non-spoilery as a courtesy to other people who might cruise my bookmarks looking for stuff to read, then I also have to make them less informative.
So what I'm wondering is -- is there some sort of established Delicious code of conduct? Rules of etiquette, unspoken or otherwise?
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