Oh look, a post! About things, and other things.

Sep 08, 2009 17:33

As per my recent habit, I'd like to let you know about a good fic that I read recently: The Worst Journey in the World, which shapinglight wrote for the Plot Without Porn ficathon. Post-NFA Buffy, Spike and Wesley, with sled dogs, bad weather, and a questionable plan. I enjoyed it very much.


So, Dreamwidth? How's that going? I still really like the idea of it, and the new reading filter functionality that they're promising to unroll this week sounds very cool, but from the looks of it, my actual flist is still pretty much LJ-based. So I guess my plan for now is to cross-post everything, and leave comments open everywhere. (On the rare occasions when I actually post, that is!)


Hey, I'm re-reading the Harry Potter series! I am now halfway through The Chamber of Secrets. I'm enjoying it very much. I'm getting much stronger fic-reading urges than I did the first time through-I think, when all is said and done, that I'm a closed-canon kind of girl. I like knowing the whole original story before I embark on the magical, neverending journey that is fanfic!

I don't think I'm likely to make the leap to writing Potterverse fic any time soon, though. Way too much work to figure out how to sound British enough. It's hard enough managing with Spike and Giles, and at least they're largely operating in an American environment. (Not that I'm American, either-but I can fake it much more easily!)
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