Delicious bookmarking etiquette question.

Sep 08, 2009 21:29

In my latest attempt to efficiently keep track of good stuff I've read, I've just started up a Delicious account. (At, because "shadowscast" was already taken, can you believe it?!) Right now all I've got marked are three Harry/Draco post-series fics, ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

stinky_horowitz September 9 2009, 13:38:09 UTC
Huh. That's a good question; I'm interested to see what other people have to say. I think a Delicious list is for personal use foremost, other's use incidentally, so do what makes you happy.

As for my preferences, I don't mind a few spoilers. The story is the story--if it's well written I like it no matter how much I know beforehand. I tend to trawl the lists specifically for the people who put more information in their summaries because I get a better idea if I should spend the time on a particular story or not. I also think people who spend time writing summaries have better taste. So my vote is definitely for including more information.


shadowscast September 13 2009, 00:39:25 UTC
I think a Delicious list is for personal use foremost, other's use incidentally, so do what makes you happy.

This is looking like the majority consensus!

So at least, anyone browsing Delicious looking for good stuff to read is probably doing so fully aware of the risk of seeing story spoilers.


foi_nefaste September 9 2009, 15:26:27 UTC
Good question, and I don't have an answer.

However, if you're using firefox, I'd like to point you to a very handy add-on that makes it super-easy to bookmark and flag webpages (and to refer to them later). It's just called Delicious Bookmarks, and it is quite lovely.

I'm there as - no fic, but articles and interesting blog posts and whatnot get tagged. And way too many recipes. wow.


shadowscast September 13 2009, 00:42:15 UTC
Actually I use Firefox for non-fannish browsing and Chrome for fannish browsing. This lets me stay logged in to both of my LJs simultaneously.

But Delicious plays nicely with Chrome, too-when I first made my account it got me to drag a thingy onto my toolbar so that I can Delicious-bookmark a page I'm on with one click.


suchthefangirl September 9 2009, 20:50:11 UTC
I too, do not really have an answer to your question. But I love using my delicious bookmark/tagging thingy. I had a friend show me how to use it, and I've now tagged hundreds and hundreds of stories. But you would never know that, because I (hopefully) click all of them to be "do not share" since I write all sorts of things in the comments. Like "I hate this one. don't read again" or "very sad" or "*** dies!" So that I know not to read them again. Or I'll put notes to say that I loved it, and I should read again.

I do it for me. It never occurred to me that I could look at anyone else's. *g*


shadowscast September 13 2009, 00:47:00 UTC
Hm, actually I think I will draw inspiration from you! I think I'll leave public any bookmarks for stories that I really liked and for which my summaries aren't too spoilery-but if I want to write a really super spoilery summary or talk about what I didn't like, I'll mark the bookmark private.


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