Happy Birthday Buffy!

Mar 10, 2007 23:08

Ten years ago today, Buffy started as a mid-season replacement on the WB. It lasted for 7 beautiful seasons, some of which were better than others, and is now venturing into an 8th season via  the wonderful art form of comic books. To celebrate, me and
flinkkamingo3  have so far watched six episodes, all of season 3. I'm trying to get her caught up on the entire series. It might take a while. But yay! Ten years and still strong and full of love! My love for Buffy (and Angel alike) will never fade, especially not after I buy that first issue of season 8.

Yes, I am a Buffy/Angel shipper... and proud of it.

In other comic related news, I saw 300 tonight. It was pretty fucking awesome. The cinematography was gorgeous, the fight scenes were amazing, and there were tons of half-naked men. I was loving it the whole time. Plus there's a pretty awesome scene involving the queen of Sparta. She's probably my favorite character in the whole movie, though I do like Leonidas (especially since Gerard Butler plays him, and I've had a crush on Gerard since he was in Tomb Raider...). All the characters are pretty good, which you wouldn't think would happen in such a war-centered movie. I definitely think I'm going to buy it when it comes out on DVD.

Also, look at this:
Now go see 300.

buffy, angel, 300, comic books

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