We have the right to remain famished.

May 23, 2007 16:39

So VM Spoilers...

Dear world,

What can I say? I loved those two episodes.

I loved how the ending came back to the Kane family, I loved how Veronica became an outcast again, I loved how Keith did whatever it took to protect Veronica, and I loved the conflict between the Kane family and the Mars family. IMO, there wasn't enough interaction between the two, and those paintings of Lilly and Duncan freaked me out, but I think VM did a great job with the time it was given.

Of course I would have liked to have seen more of a resolution regarding the Veronica/Logan relationship, the outcome of the sheriff's election, and the aftermath of the Kane Castle thingy, but that's all stuff for the season that will never be.

Yes, I'm heartbroken that it's over forever now, but I have to say that they seriously went back to basics in the finale. Those two episodes are how the third season should have gone down, but I won't waste time complaining about that. I just have to say that the finale didn't suck, it hardly disappointed, and I plan on watching it again. Although, that Piz/Veronica sex scene totally icked me out. I closed my eyes during that part. They are just... not right together, physically or anything else.

RIP Veronica Mars. Or come back for a two-hour movie.

Much love,

PS, two Logan fights! I squealed when he beat Piz up. Happiest moment of my life.

PPS, Weevil is a very, very naughty boy and I love him to pieces.

PPPS, answering machine love!

veronica mars

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