Weekly Blog Update

May 12, 2013 22:08

And another lovely week has gone by. And there won't be an update next Sunday since I'll be in Rome and won't be able to access the internet. So in two weeks time, I shall update...with a whole lot of information about my fun trip in Rome! *grins* Now on to last week!
Monday May 6th
Had my first oral exam…ever. Seriously.  I have never taken an oral exam before because at Sac State it’s usually essays or written tests. Never oral. Only time I know of oral exams being done are for languages but not here…which was kind of hard. But easy…if that makes any sense what so ever :D but anyways, the oral exam was for my Social and Demographic Problems class where I pretty much talked about alcohol here in Hungary and compared it to alcohol use in the States o_O yeah so that was pretty much easy. Plus I got a 5! (or A in US grading system) And then once I was done with that, had to work on a project that was due on Thursday. Was going to go on a field trip to a refugee camp with my Research in Social Policies class but I really needed to work on that mini-research project. So I worked on it for a little bit and then got together with my partner at Alexandra bookstore which as a pretty awesome café inside. But before going there, had fun listening to the thunder that was making my couch vibrate. Haha
Tuesday May 7th
Well worked on the mini-research project some more and just dallied around until my 1:10pm class where we sorta learned about what was going to be on the final…it was more of the Professor speaking like 15 minutes about…something. I’m not even sure and I was actually trying to figure out so I could prepare for the final that’s in a week. *head desk* then at 4:30pm had other final where we watched a movie called La Zona which was actually really good. It was very interesting to watch (and read as had subtitles in English; Spoke Spanish). Then after the movie we found out our grades. I got an A+ :DD
Wednesday May 8th
Had my early morning class at 8am where I then went back to my apartment so I could continue to work on the project that was due the next day. And got some food together so I could take it to 11:20am Films and History class where we heard a presentation about one of Hungary’s Prime Ministers and then learned more about the fall of Communism and countries splitting apart and forming democratic states. Theeeen after that class was done, went back to apartment to continue working on the lovely project and was thinking about not going to Research in Social Policy class but would be nice to support my South Korean friend who had to present. So I went and learned I got a 5 in the class as well :D so pretty much three out of seven classes have A’s currently :DD
Thursday May 9th
Woke up early this morning to fix and finalize the mini-research project then went to the copy store to some coffee and something to eat while I waited until I met with the Professor for Elements of Social Science which the mini-research was connected to. And I talked to her about various things about how I liked Hungary, how I transitioned from last semester to this semester and stuff that I had to overcome as well as other various questions that she asked of me. Then she told me my grade was a 5 as well! So that’s four out of seven! :DD then the rest of the day I worked on studying for the last three finals.
Friday May 10th
Got up early and went to Starbucks to do some studying and while there, thought about my trip on Wednesday to Rome! Soooo excited and sooo cannot wait to be there. It’s going to the be the first time I’ll be traveling by myself and exploring by myself but at least the majority of the time I will be on a three day tour :D then in the afternoon, around 2pm went with a couple friends to the market hall next to the University to get a Hungarian flag for the flag signing party that was the next day and only for 1500 HUF! Which is like…$7 or something like that :DD but after that went with them to get some ice cream that is  in the shape of a rose! It’s so cool! And it’s all made fresh and tastes soooooo good :D
Saturday May 11th
Well went to Starbucks…again to work on studying…again. It won’t stop until Tuesday and Wednesday are over (then I can party on the airplane to Rome!!!). but that afternoon, walked over to Margrit hid where I had fun searching for the group of student’s that had a pile of flags for everyone to sign. But I only had people I know sign mine so it’s not as…populated as others but that’s ok. I have other people in mind that I want to sign it…if I can nab them before they vam-uous on me. And rode the tram back with some friends to their stop, where I walked with them back to their apartment and then to mine…after I got take away for dinner. Got back to apartment around 8pm and went to the flag signing around…3pm
Sunday May 12th
Again got up early for studying as I was going to meet with a friend for brunch at 11am and I took her a mug from home that had Elk on the front of it and in return, she gave me some cookies and chocolate from Turkey. I was totally stoked. And later talked with the parents and figured out when our return home flights arrived into Sacramento and what time theirs (and my brother’s) land here in Budapest. Then talked about a couple school related issues (financial aid, yay!boo!) and trip information to Rome. Because tomorrow I get to print out all of the information since I’ll be busy Tuesday doing last minute studying and then Wednesday taking my final as well as packing since I fly out at 7:30pm…which is two hours LATER then I first thought! And I have a final at 12pm but I’ll be done with it probably in an hour so I’ll be fine. I will have all my lovely packing probably done Tuesday (doing laundry tomorrow) and then last minute stuff before final on Wednesday…and making sure all batteries are charged. Woo. And now I go sleep because waking up early, again, tomorrow since I have a whole lot of stuff to do! Again!

And here is my flag! :DD

school, budapest, rl, update, blog, finals

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