Budapest blog update

May 05, 2013 22:19

 Good Evening all! Yeah after I post this I'm going to go sleep 'cause have class at 9:40am tomorrow and then after that, have a field trip from 12pm until about 5:30pm *head desk* In any case, update below!
Monday April 29th
I can’t believe that it’s almost the end of April and May will be here! My time here in Budapest has gone so fast though there were some days I wasn’t sure if it was EVER going to end. But I have mixed feelings about leaving. Sad that I’m leaving and not able to see the people I enjoy being around (as well as other things about Budapest itself: awesome public transportation, the food and sometimes the people) but I’ll definitely be happy to be home as well. Anyways, went to class this morning about learned about illicit drugs in Europe…but that was about it. Oh! And learned that I can take the final for this class next Monday so I’m planning on doing that because it will be one less final to worry about! Yay for me! Also going to be taking another one next Thursday before the class because I’m planning on a 3-day trip to Italy. Yes! That’s right! I figured out which trip I want to do! Now just have to see if I can afford the damn thing because currently with flight, accommodation before and after the trip plus the trip is all going to be around $1,000 or so…depending.
Tuesday April 30th
Awwww! Last day of April! The sadness! :D anyways I went to Starbucks in the morning because I decided I wanted to sit outside and start a little studying for finals in a couple of weeks :D and I had fun listening to people who were talking in English. Yes that was a fun adventure. Haha then after that, went to my afternoon class, Transition and Post Transition in Hungary where we listened to presentations and then second half of the class was of presentations as well. After that came my Comparative Urban Sociology class but sat in the sun before class started. Then after that class, came back to apartment (after getting take away for dinner :D) to eat dinner and then talked to my Slovenian friend :D
Wednesday May 1st
Haha man today was certainly an adventure. Got up kind of late and then wondered around my apartment to get ready to go to Margrit Island with some people’s from University who I was meeting in front of the University at 1pm then about 45 minutes later (after waiting for people to show up >.o) we walked to the island but since today was a national holiday (Labor day) EVERYONE and their brother was out. It was so cool though because they had an airshow in the afternoon and then around 3pm or 4pm they had a ‘mock’ F1 race. But anyways finally made it to the island with a girl from Latvia, girl from China and a guy from Italy where we decided to wait (and eat ice cream) for the other four people we were with but got lost from while trying to navigate the crazy crowd of people >.< eventually we found them and a whole lot of people as well who were also on the island. There were about 20 people in the group of University students that I know so that was pretty cool :D I stayed on the island for a little bit but then headed out to go back to my apartment to take a quick shower, gather what I was going to wear to the ESN farewell dinner and go to my friend’s apartment to change and go with her to the venue. So I took the tram and then the metro but as I was waiting on the tram to get to the stop that I needed, I got hit on by a drunk (maybe tipsy?) Hungarian guy. I found it quite entertaining really. I’m not sure if he believed me when I said I didn’t know Hungarian or if he was too drunk to care. But anyways, got back to apartment, took shower, gathered my stuff, hoped on metro again and then walked to friends apartment where I put on my dress and waited for my friend to be done getting ready…about 45 minutes later (maybe less then?) finally ready to go :D so we hopped on the tram and then we had to walk another 5-10 minutes to where the dinner/after party was being held. And I got so many complements on the black and gold dress I was wearing :D oh and the dress code was elegant if that gives you an idea towards what people were wearing :)  and I had two glasses of wine (free white wine and then chipped in 500 forints for a bottle of red wine) along with a buffet dinner and two traditional Hungarian desserts (deliciously yummy!!). and I was able to talk with all the people that I know and interact with them in a more intimate, formal setting and just chill pretty much. It was fun! :) then when I was walking with my friend to head back to the tram to go back to the Pest side (were on the Buda side), we got stopped by this drunk Hungarian guy riding his bike who was clearly looking for a quick, cheap lay ‘cause he wanted to buy us as his sex slaves and preceded to jerk off...O_O wait, WTF? So we walked as fast as we could in our heals (my friend couldn’t help but continue to look back >.o) so that was interesting to say the least….and then met up with some people who left the party and were down the road a bit and one of the German guys wanted to try on my friend’s heals…so he did. That was entertaining bahahaha then got on the tram and took it back to the stop to walk to my friend’s apartment which I there upon spent the night because it was 2am Thursday morning
Thursday May 2nd
So after some sleep, I left my friend’s apartment around 9:3oam and headed back to my apartment, stopping off at Starbucks for a morning coffee hit. I took a shower, ate some breakfast and went to my 11:20am class where learned about some more information for the final taking next week since I’ll be on my trip in Rome…well more like I won’t be studying during my trip in Rome. Haha Speaking of which, I got the flight to and from Rome booked, the two hotel reservations I needed (before and after trip) and the three-day guided tour of Rome which I’m totally excited (and nervous to travel alone) about but I know it will be loads of fun and hopefully I won’t be the only one on the tour >.o since you can chose your dates and all :) and that was about all that I did. OHOH! It THUNDERSTORMED and LIGHTNING!! THOR has returned to Middle Earth! :DDD haha It was so awesome! I twas hella random and all the people outside got DRENCHED. It was fun because the guy that lives across the street from me was taking pictures with his camera, got soaked in the rain and then jumped when a HUGE crash of thunder hit outside. :DD so went to bed early because didn’t want laptop to become hurt more than it is *pets it*
Friday May 3rd
Woke up kind of late because was still recovering from Wednesday night and didn’t really do a lot. Went shopping and took the metro instead of walking because a small thunderstorm rolled through this afternoon for like two hours. So once it was done I went on an hour walk (felt longer but was only an hour) around the back side of Pest near Hero’s Square. So not that far from my place but a nice place to walk. Then for dinner went to this burrito (well Mexican fast-food) place that…honestly, was not that good. I think I’ll stick with the Thai takeout food since I know I won’t be disappointed there…until I go back to Thailand :D and going to bed early again because been tired all day with my body trying to catch up on sleep…again!
Saturday May 4th
Got up early and went to Starbucks to study (well more like reading information) for my Social and Demographic Problems class since the final for it is on Monday. Also talked to a class mate in my Research in Social Policies class about going to the train station after my Monday class to buy train tickets for our field trip for Research class. We’re going to a refugee camp…oh joys! Then around 12:30pm, went back to my apartment to get some lunch, walked around for a little bit, had to pee really bad so went to bathroom in Starbucks and as I was coming out, saw my Japanese friend. I talked with her for a little bit and a mutual friend of ours has her birthday and she wanted to go out to dinner and to an amusement park that’s down by the zoo. So we decided we would find her a birthday card, get some cupcakes for her birthday cake and meet her for dinner. Anyways, ate dinner (had beef stew, yummy! Another traditional Hungarian dish) and then after that my friend cut her cupcakes into four pieces so the four of us could all try them :D any ways, while we were joking around and enjoying ourselves, we finally decided to head to the amusement park…after paying of course. So we walked there and it was around 9:30pm so there weren’t a lot of people out but there were enough to be entertained. So we got to the amusement park and had to pay 3500 forints or about $15.50 which is kind of expensive for such a small park but it was entertaining to watch high school aged kids…who were the majority as well as some adults. Majority of the people there looked to be on dates or groups of friends (mainly guys). Anyways I went on two rides but after those two, my tummy wasn’t very happy. I have a pretty weak stomach when it comes to ‘rough’ rides like these with flips and turns and the like. So just watched my friends go round and round. Aha We left around 12am which wasn’t too bad :) I finally got home around 1am
Sunday May 5th
Woke up late and just stayed in bed because didn’t really have anything to do today. Just laundry and study for a couple finals for next week. And then went for a walk around, got some take out then talked the parents. And that was about all of what I did today :)

school, budapest, rl, update, blog

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