Bloggy update! :D

May 26, 2013 22:30

Soooooooo! Finally have my lovely blog update. Reason it's taken me this long? Because I was on a trip to Italy last Sunday so now I'm updating today because tomorrow my parents and brother will be here. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!
Of course, as you can tell, I am excited...just a tad *grins* But any who, I probably won't be updating for a while because it takes me a bit to type everything up AND THEN posting it all...but hopefully I'll have one more entry before leaving to go back to the States. Maybe if I write up what I've done with my parents every night that would be good...but the part that will take me a bit to write up is when we're NOT in Budapest because this coming Tuesday morning, we're leaving for Vienna and won't be back in Budapest until June 6th...
But ANYWAYS, enough of my rambling. ON WITH THE UPDATE
Monday May 13th
Woke up early to print out the information for my flight to and from Rome, hotel information as well as my 3-day tour voucher. Then I made reservations for the Vatican and Coliseum which I’m totally stoked about seeing/walking through. Then went to Starbucks to study because I had nothing else better to do…then realized I needed to start on my laundry so I would have clean clothes to take on the trip with me. Then continued to read information and study. Then walked to get take out, came back, ate it and continued studying. Then went to bed around 11pm
Tuesday May 14th
Today is my dad’s birthday! Happy 71st Pop! :) <3
And two of my last three finals were today too! I had one at 10am and another at 2pm where I packed my stuff to Rome and studied a bit in between. I got a C on my 10am one which kind of bummed me but considering the lack of effort I put in, not really surprising. Then my 2pm final…not really sure how I feel about that one but other people felt they didn’t do so well either so hopefully we all passed with decent marks. Currently working on the Films and History final for tomorrow at 12pm and hoping to god that I haven’t forgotten anything for my trip to Rome. I just want to be there and in the hotel so I know that everything went ok….and I can stop worrying! But I’ll continue to worry until I’m back in Budapest, in my apartment, curled up with my stuffed dog >.< Yes, I did bring my stuffed dog from home but damn it! He comfort me *pouts*
Wednesday May 15th
Got up early to work on studying for my last final of the Spring semester in Budapest…ever. It’s actually my last Spring semester itself. Haha! Awesome. Anyways, it was kind of annoying because the time has ticked by so slowly and making me more nervous to be in Rome and in the hotel I’m staying at. And once I get there, will probably be hoping to be back in Budapest in familiar surroundings…especially considering I’m traveling by myself…it will be different when my parents and brother are here…but still!
=>update next week about trip to Rome 5/15/2013 10am
So the flight to Rome wasn’t that bad. There was a Hungarian lady that was sitting next to me (well empty seat then her on the aisle…I always sit next to the window that’s directly over the wing…on the left side :D) and she was pretty entertaining to watch the whole time. Haha I was so amused. And I read my Kindle for the majority of the ride though I did try to sleep a little because it was fairly late of a flight (not as late as when coming back to Budapest though!). anyways, there were so many Hungarians surrounding me: three guys sitting in front and three guys sitting behind. One of the Hungarian guys sitting in the front was snoring so that was kind of amusing. Then I got into Rome around 9:30pm then had to wait for my bag to get in, then once I grabbed that, met the hotel shuttle driver who had my last name on a sign. I’ve always wanted to have one of those :D anyways, took about 45 minutes from airport to the hotel (which is funny because it only took like 20 minutes when I was driven from hotel to airport when going back to Budapest…younger driver and all bahaha) and once I got into the hotel, had to pay the driver and then check in. and man, was the single person room SMALL but it was nice. So that’s pretty much all that mattered considering I wasn’t in the room that long. Just enough for sleepies :D
Thursday May 16th
Vatican! Yeah that was a fun adventure. First I had to figure out HOW to get to Vatican City. So I asked the hotel receptionist how to get from the hotel to the Vatican City and in the process I received two maps because the one map of the city with public transport on it and stuff didn’t show the hotel because where I was staying was on the same side as the Vatican City but pretty far South near Trastevere train station which I then took to a stop where I could hop on Metro line 2. So all in all, it took me about 30 minutes to figure this all out and then get around to the Vatican. But anyways, I made it and then I got inside and it was so easy to get in because I reserved my ticket online and I just had to wait in the line from changing the voucher to an actual ticket. And while I was waiting to go through security, I met a couple from Ohio so that was pretty cool talking to them. Anyways! I got inside and then I started my lovely tour by walking all over the place. Man, no wonder they say online that it will take about over 3 hours to walk around the Vatican. I bet if you really took your time and were super slow, could take you over 5 hours to see EVERYTHING inside of the place. It’s huge and amazing. And the Sistine Chapel is where Michelangelo’s work is on the ceiling…and to be honest I totally missed the piece of David pointing his finger at God…and pretty much everything else. Yes I was stupid and I didn’t stay in there long enough. SO FREAKING SUE ME! *pouts* ANYWAYS enough of my lame accomplishment there…I’ll just have to go back >.>;;; well anyways after I was done at the Vatican I just decided to wonder pretty much all over the North part of Rome…and then I descended down towards where the Coliseum was located but since I needed something to do on Monday when I was at the Coliseum, I would save that area for then. Then I decided to walk back to the hotel before it got too late and too dark and wanted to go to get fairly early as I had to be up early the next day to get on with the tour to Naples/Pompeii/Sorrento/Capri. And what happens? I get lost. Haha Yeah that was fun. The map I was given by the hotel to show where they were located SUCKED but I did eventually figure out where the hotel was after I stopped for dinner and asked the cute Italian waiters to help me *grins* There were two of them, both older than 30 but damn it! They were cute! *pouts* I don’t know if it was just me because I was by myself or if they actually enjoyed talking to a single foreign girl? Can obviously tell by my accent of course…but anyways, enough of speculations. I arrived back at my hotel safely so all was good. Hah!
Friday May 17th
My Uncle’s birthday today! :) and the day I had to wake up at 5:30am because I was being picked up at 6:30am by the tour agency to be ready for the tour bus :D so I waited in the lobby…and waited…and waited…and about 10 minutes after 6:30am, I was picked up…by a taxi. It was kind of random but I suppose since my hotel was kind of far from where the travel agency was located, it wasn’t really a surprise. But along the way, another couple was picked up. One that I hung out with later because they were the closest to my age and from Australia :D but anyways, got to the travel agency and then waited to get ‘checked-in’ and had to repeat “that yes, I do need English and just because my last name is Mexican doesn’t mean I speak Spanish” *head desk* but anyways, I got my luggage into the under carriage of the bus and got situated in my seat with my back pack. And then around 7:45am (I think) we finally left. And there were so many old persons but later found out they were just going to the island Capri for the day after our tour to Naples or they were going back to Rome after our tour in Pompeii. And…yeah, totally was the youngest on the tour at any given time (well except a few times, saw a couple people younger than me). So on our way, around 8:45am, it just poured rain for about 15 to 30 minutes but I wasn’t really paying attention because I was snoozing throughout the whole time and I actually slept during the time it was raining…like everyone else. But then we had about a 20 minute break for a pee stop and food stop before continuing on to Naples since it takes about 3 hours from Rome which really isn’t that long considering that I’ve drive 12 hours from where I live in Northern California to Los Angeles :D  and then around 11am finally arrived in Naples and were only there for about an hour but I don’t think I really like Naples…at least the part I saw which was where the cargo is located on the water front. But anyways, enough about that. Along the way to Naples we were told various historical images. Like this one area where it’s the summer residence of the Pope because apparently it’s the most beautiful city in Italy…Tivoli. Which is close to “The Mother Road of the Sun” or “Highway of the Sun” because it’s the longest road in Italy and always when going South, facing the sun but it’s apparently not the oldest and it was the road we were traveling on. Mussolini apparently built it to connect from Milan to Naples (haha love the internet for when I need to clarify things!) and it’s about 700 km or 434.96 miles. Which is about twice as long as traveling from where I live in Northern California to San Francisco because it’s about 274 miles BUT takes around 6 hours to drive BECAUSE of the twisty, winding road that connects where I live in S.F. Lovely…ANYWAYS, getting off track…again! St. Scholastica's Abbey, also known as Subiaco Abbey we were told about which is where 4,000 soldiers from WWII are located in the cemetery but we weren’t able to see it because it was too foggy but on the return trip to Rome on Sunday was able to see it…but was sitting on the other side of the bus so wasn’t able to take a picture :( But any who, after Naples, we then got back onto the bus to head towards Pompeii. Where we then had a delicious lunch and I sat with the couple from Australia and then three people from Britain. That was a fun lunch and was interesting to talk to the tri from Britain. The only thing was that the older lady in the trio talked too soft so sometimes it was hard to hear what she was saying because the dining room was kind of loud from everyone else talking. And Pompeii was buried in ash from Mount Vesuvius so that is the reason why everything is so well preserved and historians are able to learn about very early Roman history-particularly about their ever day life. There were ruts in the ground where the chariots were able to go through, able to see a brothel and everyone kept asking how they knew it was a brothel and it’s because there were frescos on the walls that showed what went on in the house. And they were originals and some speculations say it was like a ‘menu’ for the services provided. There was also a house called the ‘Faun’ house because of the statue of a Faun at the very front and it was apparently the richest house in Pompeii for it was also the largest. They also had stepping stones for when they flooded the streets to clean them as well as when it rained-considering they didn’t have any drains that’s how people were able to cross the streets. There was a shrine for Zeus and Athena and Diana statues. Palace/House of Justice which was fairly large. There were also signs for “Welcome Home” and “Beware of the Dog” in tile form on the ground which was pretty awesome. There was also the remains of jars, carts and other items along with people preserved by the ash which was kind of amazing to see. Just knowing that the people were actually alive when they were buried in ash is pretty amazing to see and just get the feeling of knowing that there people living here in 600 A.D. *shakes head* but enough about historical, depressing thoughts. I found out that their lemons in the Southern part of Italy are HUGE! Like the size of grapefruits. And then I was telling this to one of the Italians I know here in Budapest and they said that the farther South you go, the bigger they get. I said “Seriously?!” and they said “yes”. I was like “Holy hell!”  And they have this alcohol that’s 40% called Limoncello which was delicious. And apparently have to be careful ‘cause you can get drunk off of it but after tasting Palinka here in Budapest, this was nothing! Haha even though I only had one shot ;) but anyways, after our Pompeii adventure, we switched buses (taking our luggage too) to a bus that would take us to our hotel in Sorrento. And omg, I was not expecting the three-star hotel to be so damn fancy! In the states, this would be like a freaking five-star hotel. It was pretty amazing. And I thought I would be the only one staying at the hotel but I wasn’t so that was nice :D the Aussie couple were there, as well as a couple from Seattle but I liked the Aussie couple better because they were closer to my age and…just more fun. Haha :D anyways I had dinner that night with the couple from Seattle and there was a guy from Connecticut that also joined us. And was my first and last time having some wine from Italy. Anyways, didn’t get back to my room until around 9:30pm and then went to sleep around 11pm because we didn’t have to be in the lobby until about 10am to be taken to the Island Capri.
Saturday May 18th
CAPRI! And Anacapri today :D and man was it fun and amazing! I also got a tan :D can definitely tell where my watch is located on my left wrist. Haha but anyways, we met our tour guide on the peer before heading over to the island because we had to wait for the boat to take us there. And the boat ride was only about 20 minutes and I didn’t get sea sick. My stomach was being so good :D the part I was worried about was the boat ride to the Blue Grotto but I did well there too :D but anyways, we waited on the peer to see if we were actually going to go to the Blue Grotto or not and eventually we got on a boat to go there because if we went to get lunch and then come back, it would have been closed. So we went! And the boat ride was only about 10 minutes or so and then we waited for about 45 minutes for our turn and it was only like…10 minutes to get on the little row boats, inside the cave and then back onto the main boat. And the reason it’s called the Blue Grotto is because of the reflection of the water from the sun and illuminates the cave. And the Italians rowing our little boats were having fun singing so it echoed around the cave…some Italian serenade or something but it was pretty cool just to go in. and then to get in and out, they have this metal chain which they use to propel themselves and hope to god they don’t smack their head on the ceiling since the sea likes to be unpredictable haha so then after everyone got to go inside, we headed back to the peer…with me taking a bunch of pictures in the process and enjoying the ride. It was pretty amazing to see such a beautiful place. Also the tour guide told us that Capri is closed from November until about March/April because of the ocean…not the weather itself but because the ocean is so damn unpredictable…which definitely I know firsthand living on the coast of Cali. Hah! Any ways, we got back with our tour guide and got into this little shuttle bus and headed up to Anacapri where we were going to have lunch. And lunch was pretty delicious and was able to talk with this couple from Singapore and a couple from Argentina that I thought only knew Spanish but they knew English fairly well. At least enough for us three to talk during lunch. So I found out that the wife was a Professor of…philosophy and literature I think. And her husband was a doctor. They were super nice and probably my favorite out of all the couples that spoke Spanish or Portuguese. Then after lunch we were given two options: go shopping or take a chair lift up to see a panoramic view. And we only had 45 minutes and since the chair lift took 13 minutes each way, could only do one or other out of the options. So I went with the Aussie couple up on the chair lift which was only 10 euros ($13) and OMG IT WAS FUCKING AMAZING! It was sooooo beautiful up there and made me miss Trinidad Head sooo bad. it’s definitely one place I’m hitting up when I get back home. And then after going up on the chair lift, headed back down and on the way down, saw one of the Argentinan couples going up (not the pair I liked and talked to during lunch) and sooo we had to wait another ten minutes for them *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiighs* it…was interesting to say the least. Haha any ways, after that we headed back down to the pier and pretty much everyone who was going back to Sorrento, only about five couples plus me and the guy from Connecticut . and I sat inside of the boat this time because before I was standing outside and so I sat next to three British people and could hardly feel the boat rocking in the inside. No wonder people sit inside. Got back to the hotel around 6:30pm or so and made plans with the Aussie couple to meet up around 7:30pm to have some dinner after taking showers and what not. And that was pretty fun being able to talk to them and then we started comparing words that we use. Like they a certain word that’s the ‘official’ term for like a fruit or vegetable (fish, something) and we use the more ‘common’ name I suppose you could say. And while we were waiting for dinner, fireworks randomly just shot off. We think it was for a wedding that we saw people wandering around who were attending. But anyways, we made plans for the next day to wonder around Sorrento and since check-out time was at 11am, we decided to go after that. They wanted to go for a swim around 9am so I decided I would just go down to the pier/swimming area (in the freezing cold ocean!) and just hang out. But you know what the BEST PART WAS? (total sarcasm here people) I started my period! >.o It’s a good thing I had my back pack with me and had pads. I felt the lovely cramps when we were at the pier waiting for the boat for the Blue Grotto and then at lunch I confirmed it >.o And it’s been like six months since I’ve had my last one. And before people get all “OMG that’s not healthy!!!” I know -.- I have had irregular periods since I started. And it’s just the way my body is. But it got to a point where I would have a period every other month or so…until December of last year. That’s when my periods stopped and I figured it was because of living in a foreign country and stress…considering it does mess up bodies chemistry and what not. But just happy my body brought period upon itself again instead of me waiting until I get back home and taking pills for a week (or is it two?) to help bring my period on. ANYWAYS, enough about that. ON TO TOMORRORW.
Sunday May 19th
Back to Rome today! And the day in Sorrento was pretty crappy in the morning because it was cold, really windy and cloudy. But by noon time, the weather had warmed up :D but anyways, went down to breakfast (oh forgot to mention, breakfast and dinner were provided at the hotel, lunch provided in Capri) and then went back to hotel room to finish packing my bag. I then decided to go down to the beach area…and in the meantime, I had fun in the elevator because all sides, top and bottom were glass *grins* so had fun taking my picture…really. Who wouldn’t do that in this kind of elevator *pouts* :P any ways, I finally got everything together and went downstairs to check out…then I just hung out in the lobby until the Aussie couple came downstairs. After that, we just wondered around Sorrento because we had until 3:15pm where we were then going to be picked up to be taken to Pompeii where we would change buses that would then take us back to Rome. It was nice just being able to relax after a few days of go go go…and being able to see Sorrento was nice as well. And then when we had lunch, I was FINALLY able to eat a real Italian pizza :D So that made me happy. And then when you ask for “Lemon juice” they give you lemon juice…so I added just a tad of sugar to make it not as sour. And OMG it was so freaking DELICIOUS. :DD and after that, we just wandered around again, then started to head back to the hotel where we hung out until the lady that brought us to Sorrento came with the bus to pick us up, to take us back to Pompeii…where we then changed buses and stopped halfway again for a quick food stop (where I picked up a sandwich) and for potty break, then continued our adventure back to Rome. Once we hit Rome, the tour guide started making transportation arrangements to get everyone back to their hotel. Ended up being placed into a taxi…and proceeded to get lost *snickers* yeah the taxi driver I think miss-inputed the information into his GPS system because the area we ended up in was not the correct location…so about an hour later I finally got back to my original hotel and then went to sleep because after a long bus ride and then long taxi ride, I was tired. And the next day was when I was going on a tour to the Coliseum and needed all the sleep/rest I could get :)
Monday May 20th
Had fun taking the metro again because I wanted to see the Spanish Steps and Fontana di Trevi which my mom said that my Uncle recommended for me to see. Well I was able to see the Spanish Steps but when it came to the Fontana di Trevi, they were cleaning it :( so I tried to stay as long as I could to see if they would start filling the fountain up before I had to be at the Coliseum at 11:30am but I wasn’t really sure how long it would take me to walk through…so I waited until about 10:30am then decided to head towards the Coliseum…and then went through the line to get my ticket…and then had to wait until 12:20pm…and it was only 11:20am. So I had about an hour to kill. So I just wondered around the bottom level of the Coliseum as I knew I would have time afterwards anyways. And with the tour, I met a couple from Wisconsin who were super nice and they were traveling all over Italy. So we swopped the duties of taking one another’s pictures and they appreciated it because this was the first time they were able to get a couples picture. Hah! Any who, we were given a tour to this newly renovated main deck of the Coliseum where the fighters went out onto…but they only created about a ¼ of it for private tours but it was enough to understand what the Coliseum really looked like. Then after that we headed downstairs where the Gladiators would have been located as well as the slaves and animals in the pits of the Coliseum. It was pretty cool to see this area from the bottom and get the feeling of how cramped it would have been…and how deeply claustrophobic as well because it was soooo small and not a whole lot of space. Next we walked up to the second level and then to the third level where it was the location of a market/gift store for the Coliseum. And apparently the worst place to be (pits being the second worse) because it was cramped, dirty and just so busy. But from there you could see the steps that still remained that went up to the fourth and fifth floors of the Coliseum. It was pretty amazing to be there and just think that were over 20,000 people inside of the place and imagining the loudness of everything going on as well. Was pretty cool. Then let’s see, after that I decided I wanted to go back to the fountain to see if it was finally running. O_O There were soooooooooooooooooo many people there. OMG its crazy how many people were there! But now I understand why my Uncle said to go early. But I was still able to get some really good pics :D then after that, decided to head back to hotel early because I wanted to go to bed early for sleep…and on my way, got lost…AGAIN. I keep doing that! Haha But this time I was down a street compared to last time where I didn’t walk FAR ENOUGH. Bahaha so I found this hotel and they gave me a map that was sooo much better than the one my hotel gave me. So I was able to find my hotel. But first went to the restaurant that I went to on Thursday and I got a free glass of sparkly alcohol :D haha Either it was complimentary because I was there right as it opened or because the two waiters liked me…I want to go with the second one but I totally know it was the first one. Bahaha but omg, these two waiters were hot o_o Even if they were older than me…by at LEAST twenty years *coughs* Yeah. Well…I want to go back to Italy to check out all the cute Italian guys…seriously. They were EVERYWHERE. :DD then after that, went back to hotel and went to bed fairly early.
Tuesday May 21st
Back to the Coliseum today because I wanted to walk through the Roman forum which was right next door to the Coliseum because they were attached back in the day. Haha but anyways, connected to the Roman forum was archeological stuff so that was fun to walk through too. I decided to go super slow because I didn’t have to be back at the hotel until around 4pm and I estimated that it took about an hour to walk from hotel to where the Coliseum was located. Soooo I wondered around…and around until about 12:30pm then I decided to go towards Fontana di Trevi again because I wanted to see what it looked like one last time before leaving AND decided to get some lunch. And maybe grab one last ice cream before leaving. How can you NOT be in Italy and NOT have some gelato. It’s a crime :P but any who, found some pizza (not the greatest I’ve had but I made due) and then just hung out the fountain watching all the people. So after I ate my food, I fished out a coin that I would toss into the water and made a wish :D and that was pretty much all that I did. I ended back at the hotel around 3:30pm because I didn’t really have anything else to do…so I just chilled and played games on my phone until 5pm where the car that was taking me to the airport picked me up…and only took like twenty minutes because the guy who was driving was having fun going between 120 and 160 kph which…I just realized was about 74mph to ALMOST, yes that’s right, ALMOST 100 mph O_O and it was an automatic car too…first one I’ve ridden in while in Europe…pretty much everything that I’ve seen is all manual. It was…weird. Haha but anyways, arrived at the airport around 5:30pm but didn’t leave until 10pm ._. soooooooooooooo waited until 7:30pm while reading my Kindle and then I checked in, then found something to eat, then waited at the gate while reading my Kindle…again! Then people going to Vienna got moved to our gate and when 8:30pm rolled around, figured should figure out where my gate was moving too as we had to board the plane in an hour but Vienna was still waiting to bored people…so around 9pm, figured out which gate it was then waited until around 9:30pm to finally bored…then 10pm showed up and on plane but not moving yet…then about fifteen minutes later we left…and about an hour and a half later, we arrived in Budapest. Where we then had to wait to get off the plane…and it was around 12am by the time I got inside and had to wait for my bag. 12:15am rolled around and I got my shuttle bus. And 1am I arrived at my apartment. YAY! But didn’t go to bed until 1:30am because I was putting things away >.o
Wednesday May 22nd
AND I’M BACK in Budapest. Slept in because I was recovering from last night/early this morning and really did not have anything to do. Besides cleaning the apartment and doing laundry. I don’t even remember what I did. Oh I went food shopping. I needed something in the fridge to eat before the parents got here on Monday. Annnnnd that was all. Really. Nothing for today because of my sleep and what not. :P
Thursday May 23rd
Got up around 9am and then just read in bed because I don’t really have anything to do besides cleaning my apartment. So after I got up, took a shower and then ate some lunch. Then after that I vacuumed and mopped the floors and then had to wait for them to dry before I could start working on cleaning the windows. And that’s pretty much all I did today. I realized when I was going downstairs to the store, that I hadn’t left my apartment. So it’s a good thing I’m going over to another American’s apartment tonight for dinner because I will be walking and my poor legs won’t feel like they are asleep the whole time sitting here at the table. :D it was a load of fun making pancakes and grilled cheese and then my friend busted out the peanut butter and created PB&Js for everyone. And it was amusing but it was fun talking to everyone. There were three Portuguese, two Italians, a few Dutch, a German guy, two French girls and others I’m not sure which country they were from.
Friday May 24th
Got up kind of early as I went to bed late last night. But I moved everything from the living room/largest room of my apartment so I could mop it. But first I vacuumed it. Once that was done, I ate lunch and just hung out while the floor dried. Then I worked on cleaning the sinks, toilet and bathtub in my apartment as well. Next thing to do is laundry while I’ll start tomorrow so the sheets will be clean when the parents and brother come on Monday. OMG so close!! And then I went out to send a couple postcards from Italy (from Hungary ahaha) to bestie and brother. After that, I went for a little walk since I haven’t really been out so that was nice. And that was about it. I made dinner and then I emailed pictures from my Italian trip to my mom. And now, I go sleep earlier because I’m tired and will be on the move quite a bit when the parents are here and we’re traveling from Budapest to Vienna, then to Zurich, then to Prague then finally back here to Budapest.
Saturday May 25th
Didn’t really do a lot today. Went to Starbucks in the morning and typed up trip to Italy (at least some of it ;P) then in the meantime, asked one of the French girls I know if she wanted to go for a walk this afternoon and she said sure. So this afternoon, we went for a walk for about two hours which was really nice and a lot of fun. The time definitely passes quicker when you’re walking with someone else (of course!). then came back to apartment and put the sheets in the washing machine because then tomorrow I’ll be doing the rest of my laundry. Yay! Then on Monday my parents and brother will be here AND on Tuesday, we’re leaving for Vienna! YAY! I soooo cannot wait but in a way, kind of scared because don’t want to get lost or miss trains or anything like that. But I’m sure we’ll be fine :D
Sunday May 26th
ONE MORE DAY UNTIL MY PARENTS AND BROTHER ARE HERE….of course I’m not excited. Whatever gave you that clue? :P but anyways, went to Starbucks this morning because I wanted to write in the journal my best friend gave me and update since I last wrote in it…in February. Yup, so had all the months until now to update. And I’m only near the end of April currently. Obviously it’s a lot slower than typing because of course typing is quicker and it’s not as annoying as writing. BUT I’M STILL DOING IT. So there :P but anyways, after that, came back to apartment to get some lunch and to start my laundry so it could be dry when my parents and brother arrive tomorrow. And that’s pretty much all that I did. Walked up and down the stairs in my apartment building a lot…and figured out that they DO have paper and cardboard recycling boxes…just a few MONTHS later then I should have known. Haha anyways, currently talking to my friend from Slovenia about…well, you don’t need to know those details. :P keep ya guessing is all I’m saying. But going to go to bed soon because I’m going to wake up early tomorrow and work on last minute stuff in the apartment…like cleaning and hoping laundry is dry by tomorrow so I can fold it all and put it away…as well as start packing my bad since we’re leaving for Vienna on Tuesday.And that’s it! :D

school, tour, italy, budapest, update, blog, trip

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