Star Trek has started airing on FX in all its LENS FLARE glory. That's one of those films I know I'll end up watching every time I notice it's on. I'd forgotten how much I love it, which reminds me I haven't read any ST fic in forever. It should be pretty easy to find some given that I ship everyone in all
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Re: my father. Still in the hospital. The doctors are saying they are hoping to be able to save his right leg and foot, but they will most likely have to take the rest of his toes. They'll find out for sure on Monday. ::fingers crossed::
Running Up That Hill is an amazingly awesome Michael/Mahone fanvid by gwyn_r [Prison Break]. I still miss Crazy Ridiculous Prison Break and the way Michael would say "Alex" all gravelly like. And there is seriously not enough Michael/Mahone or Michael/Sara/Mahone fic in this world.
My brother and his spontaneous overnight trips to Vegas. ::breezing out the door at 9pm:: "Off to Vegas, I'll be back tomorrow, you won't even notice I'm gone!" ::shakes head and laughs:: Next time I'm definitely ordering him to bring me a few casino chips for kicks.