And you owe me a new Michelin...

Oct 16, 2007 00:59

I really need to stop saying I'm going to talk about this or that because by the time the whim hits me to actually post, I've either forgotten what I had planned to say or it just doesn't seem important enough to waste a post on anymore...

BUT, Dexter will probably always warrant posts because I said it last season and things haven't changed: it is THE BEST SHOW ON TELEVISION. This season, they've succeeded in making me out of my mind with worry every single week. With Heroes, I don't know how things are going to resolve this season, but I'm just along for the ride, having fun no matter what happens. I just don't stress too much about it. But with Dexter, I'm practically biting my nails all the time. What's going to happen?! Anyway, Dexter SPOILER TIME:

So, last week was really fab. I loved the return of Rudy/Brian/Biney/ITK, even though it looks like Dexter has closed that door now. I would have really liked for Brian to pop up every once in awhile and chat with Dex, but I understand that Dexter had to let go before he could move forward with his life.

I'm still really loving this new, stronger Rita. She made a mistake with her first husband, and she doesn't want that to happen again. I love that she's willing to cut Dexter off if she thinks he's falling into Paul's pattern of lying about getting help, though it was kinda sad that Dexter was at first so clueless about what happened.

So, Lila. I don't have much of an opinion on her yet, but I've been a fan of Jaime Murray for a few years now and this is such a big role for her. I'm really glad she gets to keep her own accent because her American accent is atrocious. I do hope she won't be set up as too much of a rival to Rita's place in Dexter's life, though.

OMG, how they resolved the Doakes the Stalker arc was just perfect. I started clapping along with Dexter at the way it worked out. I really didn't want Dexter to have to take more serious measures to get Doakes off his tail because I love Doakes. ;-) And they couldn't possibly have had both Doakes and the task force after Dex at the same time. Dex is going to have enough on his plate trying not to capture the attention of the task force, dealing with his NA meetings to make Rita happy and learn more about his own issues, and still satisfy his Dark Passenger.

I'm not finding this season slashy because the Dex/Brian is over, but I'm certainly feeling the femmeslash. Deb/LaGuerta, LaGuerta/Lt Lady, yes please! And seriously, this season LaGuerta has been pretty awesome. GO MARIA!

And lastly, Keith Carradine!! He is so wonderful here. I'm so pleased they aren't making Lundy out to be a bad guy, and I hope that doesn't change. The scene he shared with Dexter was both awesome and worrying and made me want a subtle game of cat and mouse between them, even though just thinking about Dexter getting caught freaks me out. Logically, there wouldn't be a show anymore if he was put in jail, but I just keep worrying! And I love all the characters too much to want anyone to lose. I just want Dex to be "the one that got away." Oh show, what you do to me!!

I do wonder if any of our veteran cast members are going to figure out what Dexter really is this season. Wouldn't it be useful to have someone else on the force in-the-know? Someone who wouldn't necessarily approve of Dexter's vigilante methods, but is willing to turn a blind eye for the greater good? Wishful thinking, I know.

And Chuck! Adam Baldwin handcuffed to a bed, in his boxers. Sorry, but so filled with LULZ. Also, does anyone else see the Karina/Sarah? Morgan is still hilarious, drowning his sorrows in grape soda. But really, he just wanted Karina because he can't have Chuck. ;-)

IS IT HEROES TIEM NAOW? Why yes, I believe it is. M3 continues to be adorableness alive. Even my mom asked, "Is Mohinder the new Mrs. Parkman?" To which I replied, "Yes, he is. And right now, they're having a domestic." :-( Really, how many times did Mohinder roll his eyes at something Matt said? I counted at least twice. They're an old married couple already. Big Bad Daddy Parkman? Molly in a coma? Oh noes!

So they've mentioned the dialect coach for David Anders when he speaks Japanese, but is that seriously the only dialect coach they have? Because dude, first the Irish fans are offended by the lame Cork accents and now the fans from Louisiana are annoyed at the awful New Orleans accents, and I hear ya. Monica's co-worker first sounded like she was from Texas, then from Mississippi or I don't even know, somewhere not anywhere near New Orleans. And their boss (who also plays Big Mike in Chuck; he must be on contract to NBC) had no accent at all. WHAT-EVER. At least I like Monica as a character, so I'm managing to look past it.

Sylar and the Twins. Thank you, Alejandro, for not being as gullible as your sister. But I wouldn't mind reading some Sylar/Twins fic. Not at all. ::cough:: Anyway, Sylar is back to being powerless Gabriel Gray, a "Golly" saying Gabriel Gray. I find it so amusing when he pretends to be sincere.

I'm glad we got a respite from the Peter and Hiro storylines, anyway. The longer Peter is without Nathan and Hiro is without Ando, the more it all just feels kind of wrong. And some people have speculated that Hiro will turn out to be his own ancestor, to which I shudder. I'm hoping that will remain fan speculation because, um, yuck. What I want are reunions: Peter and Nathan, Hiro and Ando, Mohinder and Sylar and maybe someday Hiro and Nathan. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long.

More Haitian next week, please? Thanks. And would it be too much to ask for a name? ::sigh:: At least we got some HRG/Haitian time.

I also don't know how Grunny and Pasdar got through any of their scenes together without cracking up. And speaking of Pasdar, my mom remarked that last week really suffered from the lack of Nathan. We need Nathan, lots of Nathan, and so does Peter because Pete? You need to open that box next week or I will continue to roll my eyes at you. It just almost seems like canon!Peter would drown in the shower without his brother in his life, and I even mean that in an entirely non-slashy way.

But all in all, a good, and surprisingly amusing, episode. Though West, you are no innocent farmboy Clark Kent. I find the universal dislike of his character by so many in fandom just hilarious. I don't hate him or want him to be crushed by a hay bale, but I just don't see what TPTB are trying to sell that has Claire interested in him other than I-Can-Fly-Like-Your-Bio-Dad-Which-Is-Sort-Of-Creepy-As-Far-As-Canon-Is-Concerned. They're kissing cousins, as far as I'm concerned. Hopefully when they break up, and they so will, Claire will learn (again, and hopefully it will stick this time) that trusting her dad is the smartest thing she could do.

dexter, chuck, heroes

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