I have had WAAAY too much sugar...

Sep 20, 2009 21:39

Today was beautiful and the second of my two days off. I haven't had a true weekend off like this since January? Maybe February. Anyway, it's been fantastic and I've done a lot. I'm feeling very accomplished.

Last night, I finished typing a short story I've been struggling with for a while. I have ten days now to finish another short story and one month to get a piece in the mail to a magazine. Wish me luck!

This afternoon, I finished two books for my Ainu research (listed below). Everything is starting to sound the same. I have two more books to work through from UW, then to scour their system one more time for anything I might have missed (I'm working on a time limit here), and then I'll start the whole networking process. The public library still has a couple books I'd like to look over, but I'm just sort of chasing my tail at this point, I think, as far as books go. Grey's suggested I look at electronic/journal resources, so that (along with the networking) will probably be the next step in the research. I think I have a relatively clear idea of what Ainu culture was two hundred years ago. Now to catch up on the current events...

And I've spent quite a bit of time the past few days thinking about long term future things, like a house and kids and that store we've been toying with (the idea, anyway) for a couple years.

So all that, among other things, is what I've been doing the past couple days with my time off.

59. Harukor: An Ainu Woman's Tale by Honda, Katsuichi
An interesting take on things. Honda invented the title character (and all the others), but based everything off facts and stories gleaned from his interactions with Ainu.

60. Ainu Life and Legends by Kindaichi, Kyousuke
Essentially a tourism pamphlet. It carried no new information, but the bias of it was interesting to see, if nothing else.

research: ainu, writing, reading list

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