Because, I kid you not, within less than 2 minutes of calling it Clinton with 60-40, it became 53-47.
Dad mentioned that, should Clinton become the Dem candidate, he's voting Republican. I tried to reason with him, that, surely, voting 3rd party would be better, but this, he says, plays right into Clinton's hands. I'm not sure what to think, then--which is the worse of two evils, McCain or Clinton. To be perfectly honest, I think I would go for Clinton before I ever considered McCain. But I would probably just as well write in 'The Doctor' or 'Jonathan Archer', too. :| We'll see when I, uh, actually turn 18.
IN OTHER NEWS: DEAR NCIS PLZPLZPLZ LET THAT BE THE VERY LAST TIME we must suffer through that plot. The info in the TVGuide excites me, tho.
And I will have to bring said TVGuide with me to school to show Chris all of the Lost-goodies that ALSO make me excited.
Finished By the Book, and remember how I said I was going to read the Ent novels in chronological order? Well, I have to make some shit up. What Price Honor? says it takes place after a year, which was when "Shockwave" aired, and Surak's Soul is the same plot but is not supposed to be related to "The Seventh". I think I'll read them as I had them laid out on my shelf--Honor, Surak, Shockwave. The rest actually give proper times.
Speaking of Ent novels,
August 28th cannot come soon enough. So. Psyched.
Went shopping, got new black'n'silver heels for my dress that are going to destroy my ankles, fought over whether I should get a shawl and then what colour shawl to get, some hair clippy accessory thing, and a couple shirts. Was looking for a casual dress (again) and failed after a bunch of things that would not fit, a couple things that required a larger bust than what I have been given, and one that, while fitting, looked a lot better on the rack than making me look like I should be hearding a flock of sheep.
School tomorrow. Um...let me just say that it should be COMPLETELY ILLEGAL for a person to be SO BORED over a weekend and a school break. What the fuck.