XDDDD Oh god...mum and I just watched Starship Troopers 2, and I just found that a 3rd one is in the works for
July 15th. At least Johnny Rico's back. (And oh look, Blalock! I may see it for Enterprise-ness.) OH THE CHEESE. XD We like the first movie. Tho I've never read the novel.
Well, my right eye is getting a little worse, but not so much that I have to change my lenses. So I guess 's all good when it comes to my eyes.
Mmmm, Arby's~
And yes, the Tube is my friend, and I've seen TFA. THANKS, CANADA. I really, really hope Optimus continues to be awesome. Because it's nice to actually LIKE him for once. :P
For the rest of the day...well, I don't know! XD We'll just have to see.