Hurricane Sandy Part 2

Oct 30, 2012 14:09

It was the worst here around 11pm, but by midnight it was starting to lighten up some. When I woke up by 6am there was just light rain,which went on until about noon then it stopped altogether.

The lights did flicker a bit last night and our lamp post light went out but we never did loose power. We have no damage at all although we may be missing a shingle or two,found a couple under our car. o_o;  Some of the neighbors have parts of their fences knocked down and the one actually had their shutters fall off! There are leaves everywhere as well as pine needles for some reason.

No flooding though. =) I am not sure how any of my family members were effected but my mom is going to probably call them later on today to see what happened. I got to talk to Brian this morning and he said he did get snow but I guess hes fine since he was able to be online.

It is quite chilly here today but it seems like everyone that was hit by Sandy is feeling the same affect. Its still cloudy now but it seems everything is over.

updates, brian, life, weather

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