Hurricane Sandy Part 1

Oct 29, 2012 17:32

As many people already know, Hurricane Sandy is definitely a big storm! Where I live it hasn't been too bad but things are definitely starting to pick up as time goes on.

In the morning it was just light, normal rain- I stopped by the Post Office around 8am  to pick up a package since they were open. I thought it was going to be my Halloween Litwick plushie but it was actually my Pokebox clearfile that I got off of Etsy. Oops. XD

For quite a few hours after that it picked up  gradually but it still was well...boring really. It wasn't really pleasant but it wasn't too severe or dangerous,the weather was nowhere near how it was the night of that Derecho that hit in the summer. We actually got mail delivery and trash pick-up today!  I wasn't expecting that at all. I got my Litwick Plushie today but I feel bad for our mailman since he had to be out in this for quite a few hours. He was shivering when he gave me the slip to sign for her. ;_;

(I apologize for slight blurriness.)

When I went to get the rest of the mail I noticed how horribly cold it was! Its 47F here currently. At around 4pm things really started to look like weather from a storm like this. The rain is falling in bands I can see, and things are beginning to blow around. (Such as the trees and a trash can that someone didn't decide to pick up,bleh.) Given this combined with the forecasts I am beginning to grow a little nervous but luckily we don't have any trees around our house that could fall and give really bad damage.

We didn't do alot of storm prep but we did do a little just in case, I filled up a pitcher with purified water from our refrigerator and my mom took in all of our lawn furniture and stuff like that yesterday. We rarely loose power here and our power lines are underground but I honestly wouldn't be too surprised if we did loose it. I really am unsure of how this is all going to end.

My entire family is somewhere in the path of this storm, and Brian is in the part where the snow is falling I think. D: He hasn't been on since yesterday but he signed out rather suddenly, I thought this was just a matter of bad timing on his part but it may be because he lost power. I really hope not. :c

The county next to us (Fairfax County) is supposed to get 45-70mph winds so we will probably be hit with all of that well, overnight is when its suppsoed to get real bad.  Anyways,though before I start to ramble- i'll post an update about how tonight and tomorrow went around the same time tomorrow.

Please stay safe everyone, I know many of you are effected by this storm-some much worse than me. :c

brian, life, weather

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