Election Day is Coming Up

Nov 03, 2012 12:49

This is the first election that I am eligible to vote in since i'm only 18. In Virginia there is no early voting unless its absentee voting (which I don't qualify for) so I have to vote in person. Luckily my assigned voting location is in the neighborhood so I can walk if need be but I don't know whats the best time to go to avoid really long lines.

I wanted to ask my Uncle when I visited him and my Aunt last Thursday but they were too busy playing with my cousin's baby for me to ask. T_T My mom has never voted (although I did get her to register this year since they mailed her a form). Do any of you guys know what a good time to go is? I know the evening is bad but I wasn't sure if morning or afternoon is better. I hope this doesn't turn into too much of a hassle.

I keep getting a ton of political calls too. @_@

elections, life

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