sickness =/= productivity

Oct 13, 2010 20:21

At last! In spite of a severe viral infection and a hacking cough, The Paper That Would Not Die is finished! I've never had that much trouble turning out four pages. Now, I'm going to close a bunch of tabs. Mostly good stuff today.

1. The Twilight movies have absolutely no excuse to be as laughable as they are, and this casting run down is just further evidence. Lee Pace, y'all. Lee effing pace.

2. Also in casting news, it looks like Tom Hardy will be in Batman 3, possibly (speculation. Everyone have your grains of salt ready.) as Killer Croc. Yay?

3. Maurissa Tancheron and Jed Whedon (two of the brains behind Joss Whedon's Dollhouse) made a music video, featuring Dollhouse allum Fran Kranz (who I love). In addition to being a great video for a really pretty song, the video makes an interesting point about women as disposable objects and finding acceptance.

4. Finally, a quote that kind of sums up why I like popular media:

"I am a very big believer in the power of trash: trash pop culture, trash literature. I really have a lot of affection and belief in that stuff, because art scares people. Trash, pop culture doesn't. You can put in all the subversive crazy stuff you want in trash culture that will change people's perceptions of the world, and they will read it and they will take it in. Whereas in art they are going to run from it. So subvert the world through trash." - Kill The Dead author Richard Kadrey

I don't know who this guy is, but I dig him.

sociology, links, feminism is hot, joss

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