I keep an Amazon wish list, mostly as a convenient way to keep track of books and other things that I'd like to read or buy at some point, but I generally only shop off of that site as a last resort. Also, sometimes their recommendations are helpful. For example, a couple of days ago Amazon told me I would like
The Poisoner's Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York. My reaction was, why yes Amazon, that does sound like a book I would enjoy, in fact, I think I shall go find it in a real bookstore ASAP.
(BTW, my Amazon recommendations are at the moment rather hilarious. A good portion of them are about diseases, general history gone wrong, urban planning, and kitchen knives :whistles innocently:.)
Thing is, it's difficult to guess sometimes what section a store will shelve a nonfiction book under, if it's not something obvious such as WWII history. I checked everywhere I thought likely, but finally gave up and asked at the information desk to find out if they even had a copy in stock. They did, and it turns out I didn't find it because "The Poisoner's Handbook" was shelved under "Health and Wellness". Um. I suppose there is technically medicine involved, but more of the sort that you don't want to ever, ever use.
Anyways, enough of that, I've also made some things this week.
First, a small painting update:
Unpainted, partially because in my head he has long fur and I'm not sure how I want to go about doing that. Also, I'm taking a class in Maya (3d rendering program), but cannot get any version of the trial software to play nicely with my computer. It's a community ed class, so it's not like there's homework or anything that I have to do on my own time, but I really enjoy using the software so it's quite frustrating. Ah well, I suppose that's one advantage of low-tech art supplies: all I need to use them are my hands.