I successfully made soda bread last night! I was only a little needy about it--for the most part things went fine, until I got to the point where you're supposed to kneed the stuff into a ball, and well, the dough was so sticky that it was difficult to just get it off my hands, nevermind into a recognizable shape. Also, it ate a fork. My roommate kept being called over to dump more flour on me, which didn't really help, so I had him call my mom and then hold the phone to my face as my hands were completely encased in dough. That ended with me dropping the phone and getting completely tangled in my apron while attempting to avoid doing that.
That's why I decided I wanted beer instead of cleaning and oh god my kitchen is trashed. You'd think I was trying to throw the flour around. But! I have delicious bread so it was worth it.
And also, this song has been stuck in my head for going on two days now, and I believe in sharing. Plus I'm pleased with myself for being able to track it down, as I didn't know the artist or title, and had mis-remembered most of the lyrics.
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