Man, I was not doing well with that whole paying attention thing earlier today. Right before I was about to leave for life drawing, I managed to get a splinter of glass in my foot, which was just a little obnoxious and should teach me to not put off vacuuming after breaking something. Anyways, I got it out and all was good, but it meant I was running late. So of course, what do I do but start driving the route I use to get to work, which means getting on a completely different freeway. And then when I finally got there (not too late, they'd just started. This is why I like to give myself buffer time.), I discovered that I'd managed to forget my pencil case, so ended up doing the entire session drawing with whatever pens and markers I had in my purse. Well, ok, it's not like I don't habitually carry around half an art supply store with me, but trying to draw accurately without being able to at least plan things out in an erasable media is scary. :headdesk, lots:
Whatever, what's probably more of interest to everyone is that
I've updated my website. Some stuff I've posted here, but I think there's a couple of new images too.
MOVIE LOG: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince--I thought it was fairly solid, strictly as a movie. However, I'm easily swayed by the pretty, and honestly don't remember the book that well. So I'm sure that for most people who're fans of the books, YMMV.