Nov 05, 2008 09:14

Title: The Little Things
Author: obsessed101
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Prompt for the Round: It MUST be told using an original character point of view (the marine guarding the gateroom, the guy who has to clean the blood from the floor of the jumper, the med tech who has to deal with the triage aftermath, the scientist in the lab when everything went bad, etc.).


Anna threads through the crowd gathered in the Puddlejumper bay.

Lt. Martins greets her.

“He’s in there.”

“Get these people moved away and I’ll wait with him until the med team arrives.”

She finds Colonel Sheppard sitting up front in the pilot seat. He’s filthy and still dressed in his off-world gear. In his arms lies Torren, who currently has his hand wrapped around the colonel’s finger and is smiling happily.


Anna doesn’t want to make him jump and end up at the business end of his berretta so she kneels beside him quietly.

“You really shouldn’t have taken him without asking.”

The colonel turns to her and she can see that he’s exhausted. They returned from MX568 only hours ago; Teyla was injured the worst. She had been bought into the infirmary bleeding, shocky and deathly pale.

“Told her I’d look after him…” he swallows thickly. “..if anything happened to her.”

“She’ll be okay. Doctor Keller has her in surgery and last I heard she was stable.”

The colonel stares vacantly. For the most part he seems to be in shock. He’s obviously confused, but aside from a few cuts and bruises on his face, Anna can’t see any other injuries.

She reaches out and lightly grips his wrist. His skin is cool and clammy and his pulse is racing.

“We need to get you to the infirmary.”

“Just tired,” he tells her with a weak smile that dissolves when Torren starts crying.

The colonel effortlessly brings up the HUD. Lights dance in front of them; Torren stills and for a minute Anna stares as well.

“He likes the lights.”

“Colonel?” In this light she can see that he is sweating profusely; not only that, but his breathing is shallow and rapid. “Teyla will be fine. Let’s get you checked out.”

He sits quietly and finally drags his eyes to hers. He gives Torren one last look before handing him over. “I, uh, changed and fed him. Hope that was okay?”

Anna holds the squirming baby in her arms and surreptitiously checks him over. Torren is clean and happy but there is something on his cheek.


Colonel Sheppard is suddenly slipping forward in his seat. Anna readjusts her grip on Torren and presses her hand against his mid-section. It comes back covered in blood.

“Colonel, how long have you…”

She just manages to grab his shoulder to prevent him from toppling. “Colonel!”

“S’rry,” he tells her as his eyes close.

“Lieutenant! That medical team here yet?”

Even as he's answering, she sees the med team coming up the rear ramp.

“He's tachycardic and he’s bleeding out!” She tells them and then holds onto the Colonel and tells him, “Hold on.”

She stands aside and watches with an eerie detachedness. She wonders how he’s managed to keep going with a wound like that.

She stares at the baby in her arms and it hits her.

Sometimes it’s the little things that keep you going.

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lfws1: round2 entry, lfws1, author:obsesseed1o1, lfws1: round2, lfws, rated pg

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