Nov 05, 2008 09:13

Title: More Than Just The Mess Hall
Author: donutsweeper
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Stargate belongs to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc., no infringements of any rights is intended.
Spoilers: None
Author's Note: Beta-ed by mad_jaks
Prompt for the Round: It MUST be told using an original character point of view (the marine guarding the gateroom, the guy who has to clean the blood from the floor of the jumper, the med tech who has to deal with the triage aftermath, the scientist in the lab when everything went bad, etc.).


Working in the mess hall meant you heard everything that was going on in Atlantis. Which two marines were caught by Mr. Woolsey playing poker. How Ellison from bio-engineering finally asked Lindstrand from botany out on a date after months of pining. Who was going through the gate and how their mission went.

If the mission went badly, like it had today, it was important to make sure there was plenty of coffee on hand. The worse the injuries, and the better liked the team involved, the larger the crowd. And if it was Colonel Sheppard’s team? Nearly everyone in Atlantis who wasn’t on duty would come by. Tom was old hand at this, keeping the coffee coming, the food flowing, and the folks at ease. He’d also learned how to time a trip to the infirmary with coffee and Athosian tea so that whoever was waiting for news would be welcoming of the intrusion.

“Coffee!” Doctor McKay grabbed the tray right out of Tom’s hands as he approached. “Oh thank god. But only one carafe? I could drink this whole thing in about thirty seconds and-”

“Thank you, Tom,” Ms. Emmagan interrupted, “I appreciate you brewing some tea for me.”

“My pleasure, Ma’am.” Tom’s eyes narrowed, taking in her appearance. “Pardon me, are you hurt?”

“I am quite fine.” She gestured to the large, dark stain along her side. “Colonel Sheppard and Ronon were injured off world today.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. Is there-” Tom was interrupted by the door opening. Doctor Keller emerged, looking tired, but happy.

“They’re fine. The arrows were coated with a sedative, not poison.”

“So I nearly had a heart attack over nothing? Because, the way they went down like that, I thought, I mean, I’m sure you’re right, with all your tests and all but-” The door swished closed, leaving Tom alone in the hall behind them. He watched through the glass as they approached their teammates’ beds and, after a touch to the arm here and stroke of the forehead there, settled themselves on the visitor’s chairs with the tray of beverages between them.

Heading back to the mess hall, Tom decided he’d do what he always did- come back in a few hours to pick the empties and bring more coffee and some food. Doctor McKay and Ms. Emmagan wouldn’t get a chance to eat otherwise; they wouldn’t leave until the others woke up. Doctor McKay, typing away on his laptop and grousing about stupid risks and even stupider Colonels, wouldn’t notice him, but Ms. Emmagan would. She’d look up from adjusting Ronon’s sheets or something, the strain of the day showing in the set of her shoulders, to give him a little nod of thanks, which he’d brush off, saying it was the least he could do. Doctor McKay would notice the food then and pounce on it, making Ms. Emmagan smile. They took care of their teammates and he took care of them, that was his job.

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lfws1: round2 entry, lfws1, rated g, lfws1: round2, lfws, author:donutsweeper

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