Ho! Ho! Ho!

Sep 04, 2014 16:58

LiveJournal: squidgiepdx

E-mail: walterhpdx[at]me[dot]com

Things I'd like: I'm a slasher at heart. For SGA, I'm a sucker for McShep and Porne both; I love both, and will read both. I especially like it when both couples are in a fic. Also, I love both AUs (not just canon-divergent, but also TOTAL AU) and domestication of the boys. I just like them settled into a routine of sorts, whether it is on Atlantis, or a farm house somewhere.

Things I wouldn't like: I don't particularly like Steampunk genres, and do NOT like fic with an unhappy ending. That includes permanant harm and/or death fic.

What I can do: I write 99% slash, McKay/Sheppard and Parrish/Lorne. I can write gen, but my heart won't really be in it. And I typically like to write comedy type fics (be they just comedy or crack!fic - either!) I might be able to write Parrish/Other or Lorne/Other, but I don't think I could write McKay/Other or Sheppard/Other. Also, I'm never really nice to Keller - personal preferences. Fic can be anywhere from Disney G to NC17.

What I can't do: Write death fic, heavy angst, or heterosexual relationships. I'm a gay man, so I might be able to write femme!slash, but I wouldn't even begin to know any of the mechanics (scene fades to black...)

Pinch hitter?: Yes!

requests: c: evan lorne, requests: cat: slash, requests: p: lorne/other, requests: p: mckay/sheppard, requests: cat: au, requests: c: rodney mckay, requests: c: john sheppard

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