Dear Santa...

Sep 05, 2014 02:41

LiveJournal: ami_ven

Things I’d Like: team gen. and/or pairings: John/Rodney, Lorne/Parrish, Radek/Elizabeth, Beckett/Cadman (also Sam/Jack, if you’re including SG-1). I’d love some R-rated, blush-inducing smut, but I’ll be happy with something that has a happy ending. For team/gen fics, I love happy-teasing, family-togetherness stories (those can be rated G). For ‘shippy fics, I’d especially love a story with a playful, really loving relationship (even if it doesn’t have much plot).

Things I Wouldn’t Like: sadness. Please don’t write anything bad happening that isn’t fixed by the end. Other than that, I’m pretty flexible.

What I Can Do: fluff. My preferred pairings are above, but I can probably manage any character from the show, and any pairing, with acceptable success.

What I Can’t Do: smut. Can’t do it (would like to, but can’t). I also can’t do any really graphic violence, or horror stuff.

Pinch Hitter? sorry, I don’t think so.

requests: cat: slash, requests: p: lorne/other, requests: p: mckay/sheppard, requests: cat: gen, requests: cat: het, requests: cat: multi, requests: p: weir/other

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