First and last time participating!

Sep 03, 2014 21:57

LiveJournal: galfridian
E-mail: thegalfridian[at]gmail[dot]com

Things I'd Like: I'd love something with Sheppard/Weir at the heart of the story. You can't have too many crossovers/fusions with Pacific Rim, in my opinion. Also, amending Elizabeth's ending, whether it's AU or set many years after we last see her. That would definitely be beautiful.

Of course, as a Stargate fan, I'm always up for a good, old-fashioned stranded-off-world fic. Drop Sheppard and Weir someplace weird and/or dangerous, isolate them for a few weeks (or months! or if you're brave, years!).

I also ship Ronon/Jennifer or Carson/Jennifer, so please feel free to include those as background pairings, if you desire.

If Sheppard/Weir isn't an option, I'd love something centered on Weir and/or Sam. If you write for Sam, I also ship Jack/Sam, and that'd be great too.

Things I Wouldn't Like: Character death, character bashing, alpha/beta/omega, abuse, bestiality, dub-con/non-con, genderswap, gore, incest, knotting, mpreg, pair the spare, tentacles, vampires/werewolves, voyeurism. Also, please no McKay/Sheppard.

What I Can Do: For this exchange, I'd prefer gen or het. Preferably, Sheppard/Weir or Ronon/Jennifer, although I can also write Rodney/Jennifer.

What I Can't Do: Pretty much all my "wouldn't likes," really.

Pinch hitter? Sure!

requests: cat: crossover, requests: p: sheppard/weir, requests: p: dex/keller, requests: cat: gen, requests: cat: het, requests: c: sam carter, requests: c: elizabeth weir

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