Fic recs: The Storm/The Eye

Feb 10, 2010 23:25

Our fanworks coordinator has been waylaid by RL, so if anyone wants to start a drabble tree or propose some prompts, please feel free! We have open posting; if you have trouble, please let me know.

Meanwhile: This was a great ep for tags! I haven't read everything at the two entries over at sga-episodefic, but I can recommend a few great episode-related stories off the top of my head. All have a more serious or somber tone than the episode ending did.

From Domenika Marzione (miss_porcupine), we have Elizabeth pondering John's actions and their likely repercussions in Jack of Spades. Gen.

esteefee considers what John must be thinking afterwards in Ache. McShep.

ellex42 gives us John and Elizabeth fixing Rodney's questionable self-bandaging in First Aid for Sleeping Scientists (alt link here). Gen.

frith-in-thorns takes a different angle, supposing that Rodney might be more deeply affected than the show suggests by his wound and its origin, in Sunlight on Broken Things. Gen.

I know I've read many other good tags, but these are all I find at the moment. Anyone else have recs to share?
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