SGA 1x11 The Eye: Discussion

Feb 06, 2010 16:45

This post opens discussion of Stargate: Atlantis episode 1x11: "The Eye".

This episode first aired in the US 21 January 2005. This episode is parallel to Stargate: SG-1 episode 8x11 "Gemini", by original US airdate.

US DVDset summary: With Atlantis under the control of the Genii and the team scattered, Sheppard must play a dangerous game of cat and mouse with the soldiers to save the remaining members of the Stargate team, as the city faces imminent distruction.

Resources. Standard linked-external-website disclaimers apply.
Credits and synopsis at Gateworld. English. Includes credits; synopsis; links to photos, transcript, other resources.
Stargate Wiki entry. Includes full episode summary, quotes, trivia (including spoilers), and links to other resources including official websites.
Have other good resources for this episode? Please provide a link in a comment or message me.

Please engage in unrestricted discussion about SGA 1x11 The Eye as replies to this entry or its subthreads. "Unrestricted" means all seasons of Stargate: Atlantis and Stargate: SG-1 may be referenced without warning. References to Stargate: Universe content or plotlines still require "spoiler" warnings. (The "unspoiled" threads weren't getting traffic, so I'm not posting one; if you would prefer an unspoiled discussion environment, please let me know - or feel free to start one!)Since I'm posting late, and since they weren't provoking much discussion, no prompts this time. If you find the prompts valuable, leave a comment and I'll add some.
For now, this is an all-ship / no-ship welcome zone: feel free to note any supporting evidence for or against your favorite "ships", including gen / no-ships. In all cases, please be respectful of other people's ships or lack thereof.

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The next discussion, of 1x12 The Defiant One, will open approximately 11am US EDT Saturday 13 February (When is that for me?).

Spoiled discussion of the previous episode, "The Storm", is ongoing here.
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