ADMIN: Fork In The Road Challenge

May 17, 2010 00:07

There, a whole load of secrets posted, and I confess I self-indulgently left the challenge open until I could post mine, so, er, mod's privilege? And just to consolidate all my modly abuse of power into one post--I promise not to do this for another five years :)--I want to propose a "Fork In The Road Challenge", inspired by all my friends in SPN who are frantically fixing things.

So fix something that's always bugged you about SGA: correct a specific error, make something right that to your mind, went wrong, in a particular episode. Change the father of Teyla's baby; change their relationship with Michael or Todd; stop Carson from getting killed; keep Sam in charge of Atlantis; for God's sake, put Atlantis back where it belongs--big or small, pick a specific moment in canon and fork off from it. So it's like an AU challenge but more specific, if you follow.

It's May 17; we'll give this at least a month, to June 17th or thereafter.

admin, challenge: fork in the road

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