Brief by danceswithgary (Post Secret Redux Challenge)

Mar 26, 2010 00:15

Title: Brief
Author: danceswithgary
Pairing: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Rating: G
Warnings: reference to minor character deaths
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 100
Summary: Written for the SGA Flashfiction's Post Secret Redux Challenge. The secret is here.

My report was accurate and concise: an unsuccessful mission, three missing in action and presumed dead. No words could describe adequately how Lt. Colonel Sheppard had supported Dr. McKay while Ronon Dex carried Teyla Emmagan, or their grief at the culling of M4X-488 and the subsequent destruction of the hive ship carrying Dr. Keller and two Marines.

Although I informed the IOA that the weapons outpost activated by Dr. McKay had unfortunately self-destructed, I failed to include what I witnessed when I visited Dr. McKay's room unannounced.

I assured Colonel Sheppard that I wouldn't.

I sincerely hope he believed me.

author: danceswithgary, challenge: post secret redux

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