Brief by danceswithgary (Post Secret Redux Challenge)

Mar 26, 2010 00:15

Title: Brief
Author: danceswithgary
Pairing: Rodney McKay/John Sheppard
Rating: G
Warnings: reference to minor character deaths
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 100
Summary: Written for the SGA Flashfiction's Post Secret Redux Challenge. The secret is here.

Brief )

author: danceswithgary, challenge: post secret redux

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Comments 19

outsideth3box March 26 2010, 06:25:38 UTC
That's very wow. Scary indeed.


danceswithgary March 26 2010, 15:38:13 UTC
Cool - scary was what I was going for. :-D Thanks!


kensieg March 26 2010, 10:53:30 UTC
very good. Good way to get rid of Keller.


danceswithgary March 26 2010, 15:38:38 UTC
Thanks! :-D


londonsabre March 26 2010, 11:00:40 UTC
Am not well. Brain doesn't work. What did the narrator see in McKay's room? Was it Sheppard? Pretty please?


danceswithgary March 26 2010, 15:49:36 UTC
I left the narrator's identity (although I was aiming for Woolsey's voice) and what happened in room (and when it happened) up to the reader, just as the secret post does.

The simplest interpretation might be it's Woolsey who saw Sheppard in McKay's room after the mission and was warned that it wasn't up to him to enforce DADT.

A much darker interpretation could be that Woolsey saw them before the mission believing McKay was cheating on Keller or he saw McKay and/or Sheppard arguing with Keller before the mission. He could also have seen McKay berating Sheppard for not letting McKay attempt a rescue that could have worked.

I'm sure others could come up with different scenarios.


londonsabre March 26 2010, 16:04:19 UTC
You are SO good to me! THANK YOU!


melagan March 26 2010, 11:07:07 UTC
*rubs palms in glee* Good, they should be scared a little.


danceswithgary March 26 2010, 15:37:39 UTC
I sure certain people have learned to stay on the right side of Sheppard. :-D Thanks!


goddess47 March 26 2010, 13:05:17 UTC
Oooohhhhh.... Nice!


danceswithgary March 26 2010, 15:36:19 UTC
Thanks! :-D


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