ADMIN: Fork In The Road Challenge

May 17, 2010 00:07

There, a whole load of secrets posted, and I confess I self-indulgently left the challenge open until I could post mine, so, er, mod's privilege? And just to consolidate all my modly abuse of power into one post--I promise not to do this for another five years :)--I want to propose a "Fork In The Road Challenge", inspired by all my friends ( Read more... )

admin, challenge: fork in the road

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Comments 14

ldyanne May 17 2010, 04:15:24 UTC
I guess this means I'm actually going to have to finish the fic I'm working on with this theme!


cesperanza May 17 2010, 04:23:15 UTC
My evil plan has succeeded! \o/


ldyanne May 17 2010, 04:31:48 UTC

Oh, yeah!


linziday May 17 2010, 04:25:16 UTC
Oooh, awesome idea!!

But where is your challenge fic posted? I don't see it.


cesperanza May 17 2010, 04:32:36 UTC
I posted at the dreamwidth_comm for a change: it's here:


linziday May 17 2010, 04:57:33 UTC
AH! Thank you.


kriadydragon June 3 2010, 06:31:52 UTC
This should totally be followed by a "What if..." challenge, in which people chime in with various prompts starting with "What if..." and authors choose whichever prompt or prompts strike their fancy. For example, what if... er... uh... zombies! Or "What if Atlantis was an exploratory vessel piloted by people from Pegasus - aka Teyla and Ronon and others - and it ends up in a Go'auld/Orii torn Milky Way Galaxy. And Rodney's a slave and Sheppard's a runner!"

Though not necessarily that specific ;)

Or would that be too much like the wish fulfillment prompt? :/ I'll admit, I do love prompts :D


scarlet_gryphon June 28 2010, 03:44:19 UTC
I second this idea!


kahlan_angel21 June 9 2010, 14:14:52 UTC
I might give this a shot. I'm currently working on a fic, how do I submit it? :)


cesperanza June 9 2010, 17:28:52 UTC
Hey there! OK, you join the community and then you post directly to the community with TITLE, BY AUTHOR in the subject line and most of the story (you can put the title, author, warnings, out) under a cut. The story has to stay on the sga-flashfic community ONLY until the challenge closes, at which point you can post a copy of the story anywhere else you want (an archive, your own LJ, your webpage etc.)

Make sense?


florahart July 19 2010, 05:52:06 UTC
Hi, I have a question:

So, last summer I wrote a fic in response to the ruckus about SGU using the stone things and characters using other people's bodies.

It was here, and now that entry doesn't exist. What happened? I didn't remove it. Did I post in some manner that was not in accordance with rules or something? I never posted the thing to my own LJ, so this was the only published copy, and I think I don't remember any communication to me about it being removed.

*is glad gmail remembers content, since I certainly don't have about 90% of everything because of computer failures since then*

(er. the profile says to post questions to any admin post, but if this feels too public and wanky, feel free to screen, not that you need my permission or whatever)


ADMIN cesperanza July 19 2010, 15:48:19 UTC
Not wanky at all! I don't have access to my home computer at the moment, so I can't see if I kept any record of this, but if you're saying its SGU fic I can say that I do remember that we had a lot of people request that this community stay SGA only. There was an admin notice to that effect at the time. So it's likely it got deleted for its SGU content, though I always always post a comment to the post to say why I'm deleting before I delete. If it hit your spam folder or if you weren't having comments mailed to you you may have missed it, in which case: I'm sorry!


Re: ADMIN florahart July 19 2010, 15:57:54 UTC
Nah. SGA fic in response to commentary from TPTB on SGU content. Entirely Sheppard and McKay--the reconstituted version I put into the post I'd formerly used to point at it is here. But yeah, I'd have expected deletion for an off-topic fic or something, but it ...wasn't. *puzzled*

Ah, well.


Re: ADMIN cesperanza July 19 2010, 16:11:21 UTC
In that case, I'll look when I go home, but we almost never delete fic, so I can't imagine what happened to it!


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