A belated Merry Christmas and an on-time Happy 2010 to everyone! I just returned from a trip to visit The Matriarch in New Jersey. I may write more about this later. Right now, I am feeling intensely the effects both of bronchitis and a week of very little sleep (I swear, my grandmother's guest beds are made of concrete).
January: On AddictionsHave tried to sleep unsuccessfully all morning and afternoon.
Actually, I read it all in one night because it kept pissing me off. I AM READING THIS SERIES FOR THE SPARKLING, THANK YOU. Initially, that was my chief complaint, I am sorry to say. But then, once I got further in the book, and there were the dueling suicides, and the deceit, and people being horrid to each other, and the bad relationship choices, all built on an extensive foundation of
asshaberdashery, and it all kind of made me hate people for a while. (The next day, I read Eclipse, and started shouting for, like, a week. I still do whenever that book comes up in conversation.)
February: № 072Nella vita l'amico é come l'acqua nel deserto.
March: № 009Essere amati profondamente da qualcuno ci rende forti; amare profondamente ci rende coraggiosi.
April: Welcome to the Irony CaféA thought occurred to me recently: One of the great ironies in the Twilight series is that Carlisle Cullen, a vampire, is a doctor.
May: Oink, Oink, Whimper, CroakIt was a hot topic of discussion in our office this week that America's one swine flu-related death occurred in Houston, and that the toddler in question was at the "swanky" Galleria the day before he started showing any symptoms, which is, I believe, the point at which most diseases are most communicable.
June: Concocted from Piss and InkSharing links with
Ian right now. (Ow ow ow brain hurts)
July: "The world as we know it is ending...""...it has already ended."
August: Actual Quote: "You bastards!"C-SPAN is sitting on a ratings gold mine.
September: What's in the Box?In discussions of human evolution, it is usually argued that humans from certain parts of the world, (and in particular, the Mediterranean, where my forbears are from) developed large amounts of body hair on their legs and forearms as defenses against mosquitoes, which often bore horrible diseases, and thus, were a great threat.
October: Zombies Got 'ImThe last few days, I've been in the scenic Northeast visiting some family.
You know, all the Pennsylvania signs call it the Delaware Water Gap; the New Jersey signs call it the Del Water Gap. Why, in New Jersey, do you drop the "aware"? I think there's some sort of commentary to be made out of that.
November: Something Is HappneningThis evening, on the commute home, I drove into that perfect moment, that long moment when the blue sky turns a faint purple before sinking into deepening shades of navy.
This entry was actually a little experiment: I was trying to write in the style of Stephenie Meyer. How'd I do?
December: Global Warming Is a Fickle MistressIt's snowing!