Post-Illness Gaming Spree

Feb 08, 2010 21:27

I caught a cold a couple of days ago. Throw a migraine on top of a bad cold, you know what you get? ZOMGPAIN! It's been years since I had a cold that incapacitated me.
But! Today I am finally rested up and back on my feet.

I restarted Chrono Cross for the third(?) time. Actually got far enough to see some plot this time, so there's a good chance I may finish. Hur hur, I'm still only on disc 1 though...

Some facts about Guile:
1) he is way cooler than Nikki and Pierre
2) his innate element isn't really black, it's FABULOUS!
3) he fights using a giant floating dildo staff D:

Seriously though, I've uh.. become indoctrinated into the cult of Guile. The boy mentioned offhand that perhaps one day he'd be interested in cosplaying him and HELL YES I AM ALL OVER THAT.

My scribblings really cannot do Razzly justice. She's my favourite character to battle with in the game so far. I was into fairies as a really little kid until I decided they were LAME. Razzly totally has me reassessing that opinion. SHE IS JUST THE BEST GODDAMNED CASTER AND HER EVADE IS LIEK WOAH. DDD:

Harle is so great as a character and yet... a bit of a disappointment in battle? I'm not very far after the point where she became playable though so I guess we'll see. :/
I'll totes keep her in my main party either way for her snooty sarcastic quips. ♥

I found Okami for Wii at $18 today, so I bought it. I've heard mixed reviews about the Wii adaptation but $18 is the closest to decently-priced for a Wii game I've ever seen.
Personally? I hate paying $50 for Wii games when they are written to DVDs, which typically are priced somewhere in the $20 range for new releases.
Arrrrgh. Thus continues my love/hate relationship with the Wii. I will probably tolerate this console forever and ever just because games I want to play keep being released for it.

Aaaanyways. I'm off to see how this thing handles. :D

videogames, chrono cross, doodles

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