
Jan 26, 2010 20:52

Spent the last six days lurking but I bring the arts.

Worked this piece over way more than necessary to the not-so-stellar lineart. Digital painting practice is always good though.
I can tell I've looked at something too long when all I can see is mistakes.

ETA: urrrgh. I'm really sorry if the color profiling makes this look rubbish. For some reason, ever since I tweaked my profile settings for printing way back in December '08, I have trouble exporting shading-heavy drawings with the correct colors.

Concept for the beginnings of a town for the Fox game. Threw the kitty in there to demonstrate standard size for characters.

Basic models for the houses/buildings in the town. Am going to have to change them or maybe even scrap these designs altogether though, because the shape is presenting problems.

Playing about with vectors. (It's Fia!) Not sure at this point if I'm going to do anything more with her or not.

More detailed texture than before.

Annnnd some really dumb doodles. This is the kind of shit I draw when I want to loosen up before getting to the srs bsns. :S

I received a polite "no" at the end of last week from the company I was interviewing for. Since then I've pretty much been producing stuff non-stop in between sending out applications for other jobs. Rejection is a good motivator. :P

P.S. I am off to the boy's for the next few days. We'll see if my productivity boost lasts with him about to distract me hur hur. 83

wip, art

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