Squeezing in one more book before the day ends!

Jan 08, 2022 23:34

04. Soul Taker by William Massa

Second book in the Paranormalist series. This time around, it appears that members of his father's cult are trying to get the band back together again.

The book suffers from the same writing maladies as the first, and doesn't have the creep factor to make up for it. I did enjoy that Simon got a little more depth this time. Sure, he still has time to muse that the evil sorceress popping the buttons of his (silk) shirt with a knife might be 'kinky' at another time, but then there's also a scene where he full-on loses it and goes total panic mode, which is nice to see in a hero. Nice to see Simon's assistant get some air time as well.

Date Read: January 08, 2022

3/5 stars
188 pages

Goodreads Around the World Challenge 05 - by an author with two sets of double letters in name


author: w, reading challenge: goodreads

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