Week 26 of 101 Things in 1001 Days

Jan 09, 2022 15:21

Week 26 - January 02 to 08, 2022

In Progress

13. Rewatch 5 series (0/5)
Finished S2 and S3 of Prison Break and am 5 episodes into S4.

91. Take 6 free online courses (0/6)
* I've started the first course. It's by a writer named Tim Clare. It's a series of short lectures and then a small writing assignment. It's set up as a podcast through an art council grant.

92. Donate 500,000 grains of rice at freerice.com (135,000/500,000)
* Donated 3,500 grains of rice this week.

100. Complete 52 Week Savings Challenge (01/52)
* This is a new goal I added to a blank spot on the list. The goal is to save the amount of money each week matching whatever week number it is in the year. For example, on week one of the year you save $1. On week 17 of the year, you save $17. If you continue this through to week 52, you'll have $1378.00 at the end of the year (which I am hoping would be a good chunk of my taxes owing for 2023.)

I did some research on how other people did the challenge in the past, and saw a lot of people who do it in reverse because they have more money at the beginning of the year to save than they do at the end. I decided to do it randomly. So if I'm having a good work week and I made more than expected, I'll put away a higher amount for that week. If it's the week where I have to spend $220 for meds, then that'll be the $1 week! Hopefully I will be able to stick to it all the way through!

I'm now 6 months into this almost 3-year challenge. I've completed 27 goals and have an additional 15 goals in progress. There's an additional 9 goals that are set up to start in 2022, 2023, or 2024. So that's 51 goals, or half, that are in good standing so far. Considering I'm only 6 months into this task, I think I'm doing quite well! *cheers for myself*

101 things in 1001 days

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