More Books!

Jan 08, 2022 15:30

Since the final book in the Demon Cycle series has been checked out of the library by that dude who DARED to read the same series as me at the same time, I moved on to some shorter and easier reads. I was going to try to read the Goodreads 52 Books prompts in order, but the book I earmarked for Book 04 has *also* been checked out. These people, not putting my needs first. Hmph. ;)

02. Caliban Cove by S.D. Perry

The second book in this Resident Evil series picks up where the first left off, with a cover-up well in place and the S.T.A.R.S team discredited. When they discover that there is another T-virus test site, Rebecca joins some out of town S.T.A.R.S agents to investigate, and hopefully get the evidence to bring the Umbrella Corporation to justice.

A quick, light read. I thought there was a very good sense of place, setting, and movement. The author is more skilled at getting into some character's heads than others. I felt she was very successful with David's POV, less so with any of the others. Rebecca's the Mary Sue of the series, apparently. The puzzles to solve were basically pointless, and what's up with using the "As I was going to St. Ives" riddle from Die Hard with a Vengeance? Again, strangely (at least to me) not much zombie or mutant action. I mean, occasionally they're there, but they're not scary and they're dealt with rather perfunctorily by the crew. "Oh, an undead guy with trailing intestines?" *yawns* *shoots*

Date Read: January 06, 2022

3/5 stars
288 pages

Goodreads Around the World Challenge 02 - related to something read in 2021
(sequel to Welcome to Raccoon City, which I read in 2021)
LJ AlphaBook Bingo - "C"
Challenge Factory Finish What You Started - Book 2 of the Resident Evil series

03. Servants of the Endless Night by William Massa

Simon Kane was 13 when he witnessed his father leading a demonic ritual. Now 28, he investigates paranormal activity for the police.

This was a tough book to score. On the one hand, there's a lot of cringe-y writing, like the descriptions of Simon's "mega-mansion" and car and Simon himself, who I think we're supposed to think of as worldly and urbane as he does up his silk shirt after his one-night-stand and drives off in his . And if I had to sit through another epithet-strewn sentence like, "The female cop struggled beneath the body of the reality TV star," I may scream.

However. The creepy bits are really quite well done, and that's what I really wanted when I picked up this book, right? So as the target reader for this kind of book, ultimately I was happy with what I got. I can put up with a few epithets.

Date Read: January 07, 2022

4/5 stars
194 pages

Goodreads Around the World Challenge 03 - 22+ letters in the title
Prompt-A-Month 01 - "New Beginnings" (first book of a new series)


reading challenge: book bingo, author: w, author: s, reading challenge: prompt a month, reading challenge: goodreads, reading challenge: challenge factory

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