Just a quick book update

Aug 12, 2021 20:38

I finished my Goodreads Challenge!

56. World Departed by Sarah Lyons Fleming

Friends and family band together to survive the zombie apocalypse.

Not only is this book just about a normal family struggling to survive during the reign of the walking dead, but the main protagonist is a female in her 40s named Rose. And she's got struggles of her own before the apocalypse, like perimenopause and an emotionally abuse husband, but she's also pretty much a badass when it comes to taking care of her (adult) kids and her friends. The book also gives us POVs from a few other people, including Rose's neighbours and her asexual friend Craig, who undergoes his own metamorphosis as he tries to reach Rose in Oregon.

I really enjoyed this because it was just normal people trying to get by, and my favourite perspective was absolutely Craig's because I felt he represented who most of us would actually be in the event of the zombpocalypse. I liked how almost everyone was changed, though some transitions happened too quickly (Tom), and I really could have done with a bit more of the scare and creepiness factor. But overall, the focus here is on family, not zombies. I would definitely pick up the sequel.

4/5 stars
Goodreads Challenge 30 - a long book
Popsugar Challenge 41 - longest book on TBR list
782 pages

Books Read: 56/85

Goodreads Challenge: 52/52
Popsugar Challenge: 31/50

LJ Book Bingo Jan-March: 12/12
LJ Book Bingo April-June 20: 9/9
LJ Book Bingo June 20-August 31: 9/9
Goodreads Summer Challenge: 12/12

Total Page Count: 17358 pages


reading challenge: popsugar, author: s, reading challenge: goodreads

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