Well then

Aug 14, 2021 14:32

Had getting-caught-up and work plans for today, but I feel very puke-y. Did finish a nostalgic book, though.

57. Shang-A-Lang: My Life with The Bay City Rollers by Les McKeown with Lynne Elliott

Autobiography of the Rollers lead singer.

Self-aware and sarcastic, Les sets the stage with his impoverished upbringing before focusing most of the book on his heady years with the Bay City Rollers and closing with a quick summary of life after mega-stardom. His style makes for a fun read. In the end, though, he does hedge his bets on some of the more salacious details - aside from a small section about Pat McGlynn, all of Tam Paton's abuse is only hinted at and Leslie's own alleged rape by Paton isn't mentioned at all. Nevertheless, I snickered aloud at some of the wording as Les related his memories, most specifically at how he regularly took the piss out of Eric Faulkner. Definitely no love lost there! An interesting and lively read.

5/5 stars
Popsugar Challenge 47 - book you associate with a favourite person, place or thing **
328 pages

** I don't have an individual 'favourite' thing, but music is certainly among them.

Books Read: 57/85
Popsugar Challenge: 32/50

Goodreads Challenge: 52/52
LJ Book Bingo Jan-March: 12/12
LJ Book Bingo April-June 20: 9/9
LJ Book Bingo June 20-August 31: 9/9
Goodreads Summer Challenge: 12/12

Total Page Count: 17686 pages

Here's the Rollers doing "Let's Go" on their TV show in the UK. My heart. Leslie was my favourite.

image Click to view


reading challenge: popsugar, author: l, music: the bay city rollers

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