101 Things Update: Week 4

Aug 07, 2021 11:27

I'm posting this today because I am off to stay at my sister and brother-in-law's place for the weekend.

Week 4 - August 1st to 7th, 2021

In Progress

11. Finish TV Series already started (4/9)
* completed final 4 eps of The Real World Season 26 (12/12)
* watched 6 eps of The Block NZ Season 7 (10/47)

22. Complete 9 jigsaw puzzles (1/9)
* puzzle #1 completed

66. Purchase one HEEFS item on top of regular donation 2x/year
* I donated the cost of a bale of hay ($7). I intended for this extra donation twice a year to be more substantial, but they announced a special drawing for hay donations and all I had in my PayPal was enough for one. I did notice today, though, that they are having a Zoom watermelon smash for the pigs at the end of August, so I will donate the cost of some watermelons for that on payday to bring my total up a bit.

90. Go for a walk 2x/week for two years (non-consecutive) (3/104)
* 08-04-21 - to local store and return (15 minutes)
* 08-06-21 - to bank then grocery store then home (2.5 kms + time in store, 1 hour 25 mins)

92. Donate 500,000 grains of rice at freerice.com (42,000/500,000)
* Donated 9,000 grains of rice this week


36. Sort through clothes
37. Call donation center for clothes pick-up
* Amy actually saw my big bag of clothes and offered to drop it off for me

101 things in 1001 days

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